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2024 Winter Term 1

Project Topic
Salvage logging after mountain pine beetle in British Columbia: Overview and implications
Not all green is good: Canada’s cannabis industry and its environmental impacts
The infestation of rats in Vancouver: Key threats and possible solutions
Conservation and settler colonialism in Jasper National Park: An overview of past and present practices regarding Indigenous representation
Climate and eco-anxiety amongst gen Z and millennial youth
Animal funerals: How different animal species mourn their dead
Are bananas going extinct?
The impacts of fireworks on wildlife
The pros and cons of Octopus aquaculture: Is an ethical industry possible?
The impact of melting sea ice on traditional Inuit hunting practices
Why are owls so wise? The legacy of Greek mythology on public perceptions of animals
Eurasian Wolf conservation in the Netherlands
Ecotourism threats on sacred grove conservation
Too risky to insure? An overview of the benefits and challenges of climate risk insurance
Human wildlife conflict in the Sundarbans: The case of the Saltwater crocodile
Digital Sequence Information, Access Benefit Sharing, and Indigenous Rights
Shark conservation (riverine and marine) in the Persian Gulf
Climate change and border conflict: Water conflict in Central Asia
Rare earth metal mining in Western Africa and impacts on conservation
Zoonotic disease transfer between wild and domesticated animals in sub-Saharan Africa
Impacts of Indigenous non-monetary valuation of forest products on forest conservation
Colonial legacies in forest conservation regulation in India
Environmental pollution from religious tourism
Impacts of Bhutan’s Gross National Happiness Index on national conservation
A reason for hope: Population recovery of the Black Rhino in Namibia
A story of conservation success? The comeback of the One Horned Rhino in India
Australia's Humpback Whales: Journey to Recovery
Is ecotourism the salvation for the Mountain Gorilla in Rwanda?
Having fun while learning? An overview of the use and impact of board games for climate education
Biodiversity impacts of the Colombian war and the future of conservation in post-conflict Colombia
Do we need to be hopeful to engage in climate action? A critical review of the literature on climate hope
Preserving the spots: Strategies for Jaguar Conservation in Colombia
A review of climate change impacts on the Everglades
The Mackerel war: Climate change impacts on the Mackerel fishery
It came back from extinction and now it’s learning to fly! The conservation of the Northern Bald Ibis in Europe
Evaluating the Effects of Noise Pollution on Marine Mammal Behavior
Ecotourism Threats on Sacred Grove Conservation

2023 Winter Term 2 (Spring 2024)

Team # Project Topic
01 Nomads of Nepal: Indigenous Ecological Knowledge and Livelihood Challenges for the Raute Community of Nepal
02 Africa’s Great Green Wall: A Successful or Complicated Restoration?
03 What’s for dinner tonight? Exploring prey preferences of the Ghost of the Mountains (Snow Leopard - Panthera uncia)
04 Conservation of the Mekong Giant Catfish
05 Elephants in the tea garden: Conflict with Elephants in North India
06 Do fish conservation zones work in the Mekong River?
07 Impacts of hydro dams on Pacific salmon populations
08 The ongoing debate on trophy hunting: Does it help conserve elephants?
09 The Successful Recovery of the Saiga Antelope from the Brink of Extinction
10 Return of Humpback Whales to British Columbia
11 Ghost nets haunting turtles in the ocean
12 Understanding the Dynamics of Human-Leopard Conflict in India’s Financial Capital Mumbai
13 Indigenous-led Conservation in BC: Challenges and Opportunities
14 Wildfire impacts on the boreal forests in Canada
15 Effects of transmission lines on raptors' migration
17 The Story of Two Big Cats: Leopards and Tigers
18 Chinese Paddlefish
19 Climate change impacts on prey-predator dynamics: What do we know so far?
20 Dhole in Nepal: Status, distribution, ecology and conservation
21 The World's Largest Floodplain: The Pantanal
22 The realities of pollution disparities in the US: Consequences and mitigation actions
23 Diclofenac and Vultures: Lesson learnt from India and Nepal
24 Fighting for conservation: The case of the all-female Black mamba anti-poaching unit
25 Biocultural Diversity: From concept to practice in Hawaii
26 Successes, challenges and the future of the reintroduction of Galapagos tortoises
27 The Mystery of Orange Rivers in Alaska: Causes, Implications and Potential Solutions
28 Colonial Conservation in Serengeti National Park: History and Ongoing Practices
29 Impacts of Climate Change on Old Growth Forests Across North America
30 The Rights of River: Cases of the Whanganui (Aotearoa/New Zealand), the Magpie (Turtle Island/Canada), and the Atrato (Colombia)
31 Gharial Conservation Status, Issues, & Challenges

2023 Winter Term 1

Team # Project Topic
01 Threats to and conservation of the brown bear (Ursus arctos) in Greece
02 Ups and Downs of Wildlife Conservation: Evidence from Rhino (Rhinoceros unicornis) Population in Nepal
03 Conserving The Hindu Kush Himalayas
04 White sharks in Atlantic Canada: population dynamics and conservation|White sharks in Atlantic Canada: population dynamics and conservation|White sharks in Atlantic Canada: population dynamics and conservation
05 Impact of the Suez Canal on Mediterranean Biodiversity
06 Feral Rabbits in North America and their Impact on Wild Ecosystems
07 The Recovery of The Louisiana Black Bear and The Wetlands Reserve Program
08 Beaver colonization in the Arctic: Causes and potential consequences
09 Birth Control Impacts on Fish Populations
10 Ecological and International Issues Caused by the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam
11 Impacts of Domestic Cats (Felis Catus) on Urban Biodiversity Conservation
12 Sustainable alternatives to cement production
13 Farmers of the Forest: Status and threats to hornbills in Asia
14 The recovery of Bald Eagle populations in North America
15 Landscape Conservation Using Traditional Wine Cultivation Methods in Italy
16 Great Indian Bustard: Status and conservation challenges
17 The trial of Azaria Chamberlain and Impacts on Perceptions of Dingoes
18 Genetically modified mosquitoes as a tool to curb blood-borne diseases
19 Living with tigers: Stories of conflict with tigers in the lowlands of Nepal
20 Solutions to Overfishing in the Mediterranean Sea
21 Population Fragmentation of Lynx canadensis across the US-Canadian Border
22 Homosexual Behaviour in Seabirds and its Implications for Conservation
23 Community Conservation In Nepal
24 Paleoecology: How looking at forests of the past may offer hope for the future
25 Ecology & Management of Racoons in Urban Settings
26 Next Gen Power? The Socioeconomic Benefits and Limitations of Geothermal Power in Iceland
27 Is Outmigration Good for the Environment? A Case Study in Nepal
28 Climate Change Impacts on Amazonian Bird Populations and Our Options
29 Why are Bighorn sheeps in the wild so susceptible to disease and what to do about it
30 Influence of celebrities on the public’s stance on the badger cull in the UK and implications for farming

2022 Winter Term 2

Team # Project Topic
02 The Golden Horseshoe Housing Crisis vs. Ontario's Greenbelt
03 The conservation benefits of green infrastructure on pollinator biodiversity
04 Horseshoe Crabs and the Biomedical Applications of their Blood
05 Sustainable management of the Red Sea coral reefs in Egypt
06 Tiger King and the Wild Cat Trade in the U.S.
07 The Environmental Impacts of Sunscreen on Hawaii’s Coral Reefs
08 Saving the endangered North Atlantic Right Whale in the Gulf of St. Lawrence: Strategies and impacts
09 The impact of wind turbines on birds and potential mitigation strategies
10 An Overview of Bottom Trawling Policies in Europe
12 Pros and Cons of BC's Plastic Ban to Reduce the Impacts of Single-Use Plastics on the Environment
13 The Invasion of Possums as a Threat to New Zealand’s Natural Environment
14 Restoration of oyster reefs in estuaries
15 Protection of the Endangered Mediterranean Monk Seal
16 The lasting effect of the movie “Jaws” on public perception of sharks
17 Climate Change Threats to the Joshua Tree
18 Strategies for the conservation of the endangered Saola in Vietnam and their impact
19 Stop releasing balloons: How balloon releases are harming the ecosystem?
20 Protecting Coral Reefs from Crown-of-Thorns Starfish
21 Sustainable Fishing in the Adriatic Sea
22 Management strategies to remove invasive blackberry in Pacific Spirit Park
23 First Nations cultural monitoring of plains bison in Banff National Park: Strategies and impact
24 PCB concentration in the breast milk of Inuit mothers: Causes and impact on the development of newborns
25 The use of remote sensing technology for land use changes in British Columbia
26 Innovations around synthetic meats as a viable solution to move to plant-based diets
27 Does Environmental Education work? Impacts on knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours
28 Indigenous seal hunting in northern Canada
30 Lawns to Legumes
31 Does tourism harm urban wildlife? A case study of bat watching from Congress Avenue Bridge in Austin, Texas.
32 Community-Based Management in Madagascar Forests
33 Impact of Invasive parakeets in Athens Greece and potential solutions
34 Gender-based violence in British Columbia’s tree planting industry 
35 Strategies for the conservation of loggerhead turtles in Zakynthos, Greece
36 Degradation of the Mississippi River
37 Beach Degradation in Tunisia
38 Conservation efforts against the threats to native orchid’s species in China
39 Sustainable Management of Mediterranean Sea Urchin Populations in Greece
40 Environmental & Social Impacts of Pesticide Use on the American Lawn
41 Restoration of Degraded Coastal Forests of Lebanon

2021 Winter Term 1

Team # Project Area(s)
01 The COVID-19 Pandemic and its Implications for Biodiversity Conservation
02 Fires in the Brazilian Amazon: Causes, Consequences and Solutions
03 Traditional Dolphin hunting practices in the Faroe Islands - Conservation Impacts on White Sided Dolphins
04 Deep sea mining in the Pacific: Current policy situation and key debates
05 Oil exploration in the Sahara Desert: What are the key environmental and social threats?
06 Cultural Burning in BC: What is it and what are its benefits?
07 Impacts of Sea Level Rise on the Komodo Dragon
08 Community Forests in Zambia: Challenges and Opportunities
09 Effectiveness and use of descending devices to mitigate rockfish bycatch
10 Community Resource Management Areas (CREMAs) in Ghana: Opportunities and downsides
11 Impacts of Climate Change on Pacific Salmon in the Fraser River
12 Conservation or carnage? An analysis of trophy hunting in Namibia, Botswana, and South Africa
13 Achievements and challenges for Peace Parks in Southern Africa
14 Rancher-Wolf Conflict in the United States: Current situation and potential solutions
15 Rodent invasion in New Zealand: The lasting impacts on ground birds
16 Coexisting with urban wildlife: A case study of Stanley Park’s Coyotes
17 How do forests contribute to food security?
18 Old-growth logging in British Columbia: current situation, issues, and key debates
19 Is avocado really green? Socio-ecological impacts of increased avocado consumption
20 Course:CONS200/2021/Cap and Trade: What It Is, How It Works, Does It Work, and More.
21 Climate Change and the American Pika
22 De-Extinction of the Woolly Mammoth: Current Situation and Key Debates
23 Herring fisheries management in British Columbia: Ecological importance and threats
24 Aviation, Biofuels, and Sustainability: Is 'Green Travel' any Closer?
25 Steelhead Conservation in British Columbia: Conservation status
26 A conservation success story? The recovery of the Canada Geese in North America and remaining challenges.
27 Endangered basking sharks: will they return to British Columbia's coast?
28 Causes and Consequences of Disappearing Kelp Forests
29 Radioactivity, viruses and greenhouse gases: The impacts of melting permafrost in the Arctic
30 Indonesia’s One Map policy: What is it and what are its socio-environmental implications?
31 Course:CONS200/2021/The Disappearance of Small Sea-level Countries due to Climate Change
32 Keep Polar Bears Safe: Conservation Concerns

2021 Summer Term 1

Team # Project Area(s)
01 Indigenous Amazonian agroforestry
02 Is wool sustainable? The environmental benefits and costs of wool production and consumption
03 Impacts of overfishing on the Galapagos marine ecosystem
04 Can social media save the environment? Social media and environmental activism
05 Saving snow leopards in a war zone: Conservation in Afghanistan
06 The impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
07 The Landscape Approach: Principles, Impacts and Its Role in Conservation
08 Environmental Footprint of Cow's Milk vs. Plant-based Milks
09 BINGOs and Conservation Refugees
10 The Implications of BC Bill 41 for Indigenous Peoples
11 Compassionate Conservation
12 The use of camera traps for conservation: Advances and limitations
13 The Impacts of Climate Change on South African National Parks
14 Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Citizen Science Working Together in Ecological and Wildlife Data Collection
15 The Role of First Nation Communities in Biodiversity Conservation in Canada
16 Corporate commitments to zero deforestation: Where are we at?
17 Dealing with human-elephant conflict in East Africa
18 The White Sturgeon recovery plan in the upper Columbia River
19 Jaguar Conservation in Panama
20 How Nature-Based Solutions are Fighting Climate Change in Europe
21 Human-tiger conflict in the Sundarbans: Strategies for mitigation and conservation
22 Deforestation Linked to Rising Infectious Diseases
23 The rise and impact of Indigenous environmental activist and land defenders in Chile
24 The Viability and Potential of Regenerative Agriculture in the USA
25 Environmental Impacts of Fast Fashion
26 An Overview of Payment for Ecosystem Services in China: Policies and Implications
27 Ecotourism in Costa Rica
28 The socio-ecological benefits of urban green spaces in Brazil
29 The Half Earth Project: Goal, Benefits and Criticisms
30 Ecological and socio-economic benefits of Homegardens in India
31 Is wind energy sustainable? The environmental benefits and downsides of wind turbines
32 The environmental impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic
33 The Rights to Mother Earth in the Ecuadorian Constitution: Is it the right approach to conserving nature?
34 How are drones helping conservation

2020 Winter Term 2

Team # Project Area(s)
01 An evaluation of manatee conservation in Belize
02 Vancouver’s Greenest City Action Plan 2020: in what way does biodiversity conservation fit in and how well have we performed?
03 Socioeconomic impacts of sugarcane production in Brazil
04 Assisted migration of trees in B.C.: Introduction and key debates
05 Charismatic megafauna: the impact of public bias on conservation goals
06 Biomimicry in urban design: the key to urban biodiversity conservation?
07 Socio-Economic Impacts of Cacao Production in West Africa
08 Trophy Hunting in Southeast Asia
09 The rewilding movement in Scotland: the pros and cons
10 The Truth about Recycling and Waste in British Columbia
11 The Fate of the Snow Leopard in the Mongolian Steppe: The Importance of Grassland Conservation
12 Environmental Impacts of the Rio Summer Olympics 2016
13 An Evaluation of the Conservation for the Spotted Owl in British Columbia
14 The social and environmental costs of coffee farming in Brazil
15 Implications of the Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion on First Nations communities in British Columbia
16 An Assessment of Baird’s Tapir Conservation in Mexico
17 Environmental impacts of milk alternatives: Which is the most sustainable option?
18 Managing visitor impact in Canada’s national parks: ongoing challenges & potential solutions
19 Threats to the practice of shifting cultivation among Indigenous groups in the Amazon
20 The socio-economic and environmental impacts of ecotourism in Sri Lanka
21 The impact of continued logging operations in Haida Gwaii — ecological and social impacts for the Haida Gwaii Nation
22 Farmers vs Forests: the ongoing conflict between agriculture & conservation in the UK
23 History of the Community Forestry movement in Thailand: What are the impacts, benefits and downsides?
24 Vancouver's Citizen Science on Conservation
25 Current socio-economic and environmental impacts and future concerns of mining and oil development in Northern Canada
26 Parks vs People: the impact of Protected Areas on indigenous tribes in Nepal
27 Community Conservancies across Northern Kenya.
28 Ecological impacts of lionfish invasion in Central America
29 Economic and ecological benefits of integrating non-timber forest product into forest management (planning and practices) in B.C.
30 An Evaluation of Manatee Conservation in Belize

2019 Winter Term 2

Team # Project Area(s)
01 Implications of Single Use Styrofoam
02 Climate Change Impact on Great White Sharks: Conservation Implications
03 Socio-economic implications of the decline of the western honeybees
04 BC Forest Practice Act
05 Socio-ecological impacts of community forestry in Mexico
06 BC’s investment in natural gas: Is it a global climate change mitigation tactic or a climate change cause?
07 Conservation in the Social Media
08 Southern White Rhino Brought Back from extinction
09 Is hydropower really green? Socio-environmental benefits and downsides of hydropower expansion in the Amazon basin.
10 The feasibility of using wood waste (logging slash) for bioenergy in BC
11 The Impact of Trophy Hunting on Snow Leopards
12 Community Forestry in BC: a Review of its Status, Impacts, and Prospects
13 Anthropogenic Impacts on Sperm Whales: Implications for Conservation
14 Socio-ecological impacts of community-based marine conservation in the Philippines.
15 Socio-economic impacts of the establishment and operations of Kruger National Park (South Africa) in adjacent local communities
16 Impacts of Cattle Ranching in the Interior of BC on Prairie Restoration Goals
17 Impacts of Recreation on Conservation Efforts for Grizzly Bear Populations in BC
18 The relationship between forest harvesting methods and wildfire intensity in the dry southern interior forests of British Columbia
19 Socio-ecological costs and benefits of the Site-C dam
20 The 25-year battle between Ecuadorian Amazonian communities and Chevron-Texaco
21 Social, ecological and economic outcomes of forest practices and operations of First Nations in BC.
22 Complexities and Tradeoffs of Smallholder versus Large Commercial Oil Palm Plantations in Indonesian Borneo
23 The story of the recovery of the Giant Panda
24 Socio-ecological impacts of banana farming in Peru
25 Wild Salmon vs. Farmed Salmon in the BC Coast
26 Ecological Benefits and Costs of China's Green Great Wall
27 Environmental, social and economic impacts of a global shift to vegetarianism: Can it save the world?
28 Support and opposition to the TransCanada Coastal Gaslink Pipeline in BC. What are the arguments for and against?
29 Ecological, social and economic outcomes of ecosystem-based management in the Great Bear Rainforest
30 Impacts of eco-tourism on the Galapagos Islands
31 Is solar energy sustainable? The environmental benefits and downsides of solar panels
32 BC's Climate Action Plan
33 Implications of Trans-Mountain Pipeline Expansion for the Conservation of Southern Resident Killer Whales
34 Mangroves in the Asia-Pacific region
35 Upsides and downsides of environmental activism in halting or reducing deforestation in the Global South. Does environmental activism ever ‘hurt’ the cause?
36 Environmental Implications of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)
37 What are the impacts of shrimp farming on the mangroves in South East Asia?
38 The Economic and Social Impacts of British Columbia Wolf Cull
39 Links between climate change and insect outbreaks in BC: Past trends and future outlook
40 Canadian mining in Latin America: A review of ecological, social and economic outcomes
41 Synergies and Trade-Offs Between Western and Traditional Ecological Knowledge in Relation to Conservation Issues

2017 Winter Term 2

Team # Project Area(s)
2. Ecological and social costs of single use plastic bags and what can be changed
3 Ecological and social costs of single use coffee cups and what can be changed.
4 Environmental, economic and social benefits and drawbacks of British Columbia's raw log exports (1990-2017)
5 Logging versus the Wells Gray Provincial Park and its iconic herd of southern mountain caribou in British Columbia, Canada.
6 Caribou, Logging, Wolves and Corporate Donors in British Columbia, Canada.
7 Canada's Species At Risk Act (SARA) and the woodland caribou.
8 The situation of the Penan and Kenyah Indigenous Peoples vs the construction of the Murum Dam in Northern Sarawak, Malaysia
9 The Svalbard Global Seed Vault: a flourishing debate on ex situ conservation
10 Drivers and consequences of industrial-scale sand mining in Dubai
11 Don’t forget my name - The Northern White Rhino
12 Wildlife crimes in World Heritage sites: state of knowledge and possible remedies
13 Recovery of bird populations in Great Britain
14 The story of the recovery of the Arabian oryx
15 The European Union (EU) Common Fisheries Policy - evolving no-take zones, family-tenured reefs and shell fish areas
16 Crocodile farming in Papua New Guinea (PNG)
17 Butterfly and ant interactions in lowland grasslands in the United Kingdom
18 Restoration of ecosystem interactions in Yellowstone National Park, USA, with re-introduction of grey wolves
19 The story of brown bears in the Pyrenees and compensation for sheep farmers
20 Legal rights of sharks along the Pacific North West coast: an examination of legislation and policy differences in the USA or Canada
22 The Opportunities for and Challenges of Saving the Marbled Murrelet.
23 Can China's ivory trade ban save elephants?
24 Pastoralists vs conservationists in the highlands of Kenya: issues and possible solutions
25 Should the moratorium on logging since 2002 in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) be lifted and concessions issued for industrial-scale logging? Arguments for and against
26 The Story of Canada's Digital Dumping Ground
27 Cultural Keystone Places: conservation and restoration in Bhutan
28 Analysis of Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) in Namibia
29 Ecological and social costs of cotton farming in Egypt and what can be changed.
30 Caring for country: Australian Aborigines and natural and cultural resource management.
31 Fort McKay First Nation's involvement in reclamation of Alberta's oil sands development.
32 Hydraulic fracturing (fracking): social and environmental costs in Alberta
33 Mineral mining versus local peoples’ rights in British Columbia, Canada
34 Restoring a part of Hawai'i's past: Kaloko fishpond restoration
36 The Timbisha Shoshone Indigenous People and Death Valley National Monument, USA
37 Tribal science and farmers' resistance: salmon habitat restoration in the American Northwest
39 Protection of IUCN endangered species or ecosystems from urban expansion and re-development
40 The Christmas or New Year bird count is the most popular ornithological activity in many Northern countries. Reasons why these counts are valuable for bird conservation and why the data can be misleading.

2016 Winter Term 2

Team # Project Area(s)
2. Biofuels: green economy initiative or more business as usual?
4 Cultural Keystone Places: Conservation and Restoration in the Colorado River Delta
5a Do suburban golf courses have conservation value? Arguments for and against
5b Do suburban golf courses have conservation value? Arguments for and against
6 Ecological and social costs of cotton farming
8 Fort McMurray, Alberta, and the fires of climate change
9 Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve and Haida Heritage Site: history and consequences for co-management
10 Hydraulic fracturing (fracking): social and environmental costs in Pennsylvania
11 Illegal logging in Brazil: drivers of and environmental and social consequences
12 Grizzly Bear Conservation in British Columbia: conservation status
15 Monsanto and ‘Terminator’ seeds
16 Octopus fishery management in Madagascar
17 Pesticide poisoning in the Global South
18 Rainforest, Oil, and Indigenous People in Ecuador: the Yasuní-ITT Project, Ecuador
21 The drastic decline in African elephant populations: possible causes and consequences
22 The environmental impact of meat consumption
23 The growing dietary dependence on foreign crops: drivers and risks
24 Indigenous homelands in Yellowstone National Park: paying the costs of conservation
25 The opposition of the Standing Rock Sioux to the North Dakota Oil Pipeline, USA
26 The re-wilding movement in the Heart of Wales - the Cambrian Mountains: What are we learning?
29 Environmental costs and benefits of supermarket insistence on cosmetically perfect fruits and vegetables.
30 Urban Deer Feeding in BC
31 Urban architecture to aid bird conservation.
32 How street trees can save our cities.
33 Arguments for and against marine aquaria and zoological gardens in urban settings.
35 Raptor nests on telephone poles: encourage or discourage?
36 Urban opinion massively supports winter feeding of wild deer in urban Chicago. Arguments for and against.
37 Invasive species are an increasing problem in both urban and rural areas. Select four counter-measures and explain why these are or should be priority actions in urban areas.
39 How are alligator skin handbags in high-fashion stores good for reptile conservation and how are they negative for reptiles?