Main Space

The UBC Wiki is organized into different content areas to accommodate different needs. The root, or mainspace, of the wiki is primarily a shared community space and articles in this section should be encyclopedic in nature, appeal to a broad audience, and be reflective of UBC. Titles should be as specific as possible and not use abbreviations or acronyms. Each article should start with an introductory sentence describing what the page is about. Articles that do not meet this criteria may be moved. Pages in the mainspace belong to the wiki community and anyone should feel free to edit them.
Adding Content
Create a New Main Space Page |
Explore UBC
Academic Subjects and Topics
Chemistry Help | Courses | Differential Calculus | Economics Help | Integral Calculus | Math Help | Math Exam Resources | Open Access | Physics Help | Scholarships | Soil Physics
Administrative Offices, People, and General UBC Topics
Documentation & Support Manuals | Event Planning | List of UBC Presidents | UBC Calendar | UBC Coat of Arms | UBC Maps | University of British Columbia
Campus, Campus Buildings, Dorms
AMS Student Nest | Beaty Biodiversity Museum | Belkin Art Gallery | Chemistry Building | Clements Green | Differences between Totem Park and Place Vanier | Hebb Building | Hennings Building | Irving K Barber Learning Centre | Library | List of UBC Buildings with Classrooms | Map of UBC Attractions | Map of UBC Library Branches | Mobility at UBC | Museum of Anthropology | Music Building | Pacific Museum of the Earth | Place Vanier Residence | Totem Park Residence | Student Union Building | UBC Exchange | UBC Farm
Campus Life
Bars and Pubs on Campus | Blue Chip Cookies | UBC Electronic Dance Music (EDM) Club | Free and Cheap Things to Do on Campus | List of ATM and Bank Locations on Campus | List of UBC Media | Map of Coffee Places on Campus | Map of UBC Attractions | Map of Photos Taken on the UBC Campus | Norm Theatre | Pie R Squared | Sprouts | The Ubyssey | War on Fun
Colleges, Faculties, Schools, Departments, Initiatives
Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology | Division of Continuing Professional Development | DIY Media Learning Community | Faculty of Land and Food Systems | Jump Start | List of UBC Faculties and Schools | Math Educational Resource Wiki | Science Co-op | TA training | UBC Geophysical Inversion Facility | UBC Learning Exchange | UBC Mix
Computers, Internet, IT
Blogs at UBC | External Media Design Consultants Used by UBC | Information Technology | Leveraging Social Media | List Of UBC Websites | Shared UBC Wiki Pages | Social Networking at UBC | Turnitin | UBC Blogs FAQ | UBC Facebook Accounts | UBC Flickr Pool Recommendations | UBC Insiders | UBC Flickr Groups | UBC Twitter Accounts | UBC YouTube Accounts | YouTube EDU | WebCT/Vista | UBC on iTunes U
Educational Resources
Courses on the UBC Wiki | UBC Documentation and Guides | DE Learning Resources | DIY Media Resources | Educational Technology Guides | ePortfolio Basics | Faculty Resource Guide | Learning Enhancement Academic Partnership Program | Math Educational Resources | Online Teaching Resources | TA training | Teaching and Learning Resources Portal | UBC Mix Resources Portal
Events, Conferences, Seminars, Presentations
2010 Digital Learning Symposium | Adrian Johns Presentation | David Korten Sustainability Presentation | Danny James Presentation | International Week | Open Access Week | Open UBC 2011 | Presentations Archived on the UBC Wiki | Recurring Questions of Technology | Stewart Brand Presentation | Tech Express | Terry Project
Library Resources
Library | Map of UBC Library Branches | List of Library-Related Wiki Pages | Documentaries about Anti-racism and Social Change at the UBCO Library
Student Organizations
Alma Mater Society | Amateur Radio Society of UBC | ASIS&T | Astronomy Club of UBC | Bike Co-Op | Chinese Varsity Club | CS Education Reading Group | Common Energy | Dragon Seed Connection | Integrated Sciences Student Association | Librarians Without Borders | List of UBC Media | Math Club | Meditation Community | Pakistan Students' Association | Radical Beer Faction | Safety and First Aid Club | Sailing Club | Students in Free Enterprise | Totem Titans | Transdiciplinary journal club | UBC Anime Club | UBC Physics Society
Tips for Creating Great Articles on the Main space of the Wiki
Think Big
The root of the wiki is a community space and when you create a page in this section, it should be with a large audience in mind.
Articles that are for a specific or limited audience, such class pages or pages created as a collaborative work space for an assignment, should be placed in the Course space and not in the root of the wiki.
Think About the Greater Context
Again, the Main Space is a shared, community area. The Main Space does not allow subpages, so each page should make sense as a stand alone article on its own. For example, a page called "My Assignment" would not be a good main space page as:
- "My Assignment" is a page with an individual author and purpose. The Main Space is a community area where everybody is encouraged to edit additional pages.
- "My Assignment" does not really make sense contextually as a stand alone page. It would better fit as a subpage of a course page.
Make the Title as Concise and Descriptive as Possible
Most articles will have a simple and obvious title; however you should keep that the title should accurately reflect the content. For example, if you are creating a list of all businesses in the Student Union Building, the article should not be named businesses but something more specific like Businesses in the Student Union Building. Acronyms should not be used in main space page titles.
Add Your Page to a Category
Adding categories to your page makes it easier for others to find and also helps facilitate knowledge sharing.
Keep Making Improvements
An article seldom comes into creation as a finished piece. Don't worry about making multiple edits or coming back at a later time to add more content. If you see other pages that you can add extra content to or help out with the formatting, jump right at it.
Be Mindful of Copyright
As a general rule, please do not copy-paste text from other websites. Please document and provide links to any references you do use.
Additional Tips
See also Help:Contributing for more tips on adding articles to the UBC Wiki.