Course:CONS200/Help and Resources

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Formatting Help

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Help and Support

Basic Formatting

Formatting Tables

Footnotes and References

Adding Images

Embedding Video

Embedding Slides

Adding a Sandbox Page

Renaming or Moving a Page

Upload a new version of a file

Sources for Open Images

Open Licenses

Attributing Open Licensed Material

Searching for Open Education Resources

Citing Resources in the Wiki

Adding Creative Commons License

Using Images on the Wiki

Click here to get help on adding images and pictures on wiki pages.

Adding video to the wiki

In order to upload the video to the wiki, you will have to upload the video on video hosting site such as YouTube or Kaltura .

Adding audio to the wiki

Renaming Your Page

Access the move link via the drop down arrow tab at the top of the wiki

This is done by using the move link in the drop down arrow tab at the top of the wiki. The tab is not visible if you not are logged in.

  1. Click on the move link
  2. In the new title box, you'll find the current title of your page. It will look something like CONS200/2020/Sample Page
  3. Enter the new name after the prefix CONS200/2023. For example CONS200/2023/My New Title.
  4. Click the move page button.

Help Contacts

  • will.engle (at)
  • rie.namba (at)

Virtual Drop-in Office Hours

Wiki support staff from CTLT will be holding drop-in hours through the end of November to help you with your projects as needed.

(click to join):

Slides from presentation