Bike Co-Op

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Bike Co-op
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Location 6138 Student Union Boulevard Coast Salish Territories Vancouver BC, Canada V6T 1Z1
Coordinates 49.267752,-123.250415
Members ~ 150

The Bike Co-op is a student-run organization located on campus at UBC. Cycling empowers us, and our goal is to provide students and other campus members with an accessible environment where they can learn to fix bicycles, share resources, and build community. We engage in cycling advocacy and education to promote biking as a safe and sustainable means of transportation.

Organized as a student club under the AMS, the Bike Co-op is run by a Board of Directors and an executive elected by its members at an Annual General Meeting. The board is the heart of the Co-op, and develops and facilitates its programming and events. Members of the board of directors are charged with the direction of the Co-op and are entrusted to make decisions about how it is run. Important decisions are made by the entire board, which meets weekly. We employ a consensus based decision making model.

History of The Club

The AMS Bike Co-op was founded in the spring of 1998 by a group of very dedicated students. The venture was financially backed by the AMS Innovative Projects Fund, Trek, and other supporters. The original purpose of the co-op was to build a shared fleet of purple and yellow bicycles which could be used by students to reduce the number of car trips on campus. This initiative was hugely successful, and continues to be a foundation of the co-op’s programming. After the initial success of this program, the co-op continued to expand its operations, gained a core of dedicated volunteers and became a hub for cycling on campus.


All of our programs are open to everyone: This includes students, staff, faculty and on and off campus community members. No student status needed – although student status will get you a discount sometimes.

  • Bike Kitchen
  • Volunteer Night
  • Cycling Resource Centre
  • Cycling Resource Centre
  • BYOB Build Your Own Bike
  • Mechanic Instruction/crash courses
  • Women’s Night
  • Bikes 101
  • Cargo Bike Share Program
  • Bike Co-op Resource Library
  • Advocacy
  • UTown Youth Bike Club
  • Bike Lockers
  • Market Cargo


Memberships are $15 for students, and $20 for faculty, staff and community members.

Short on cash? No problem. Volunteer with us for six hours and your membership is free.

Membership comes with some great benefits, including:

  • 2 hours of shop time
  • access to BYOB (Build Your Own Bike)
  • complementary shop time on Fridays

and (in addition to six volunteer hours)

  • access to the Purple and Yellow community bike fleet!