UBC Facebook Accounts
Here is a list of Facebook Accounts related to UBC. Please add yours if it is missing. Please add who the contact person for each channel is or if it is run by an external person!
The University of British Columbia
Alumni Groups
Administrative/Non-Academic Units
- UBC Bookstore
- UBC Campus and Community Planning
- UBC Career Services
- UBC Centre for Student Involvement
- UBC Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology
- UBC First Nations House of Learning
- UBC Go Global
- UBC Learning Exchange
- UBC's news in the Okanagan
- UBC Press
- UBC Prospective Undergraduates
Student Groups
- UBC Alma Mater Society
- UBC Commerce Undergraduate Society
- UBC Food Society
- UBC International Business Club
- UBC Players Club
- UBC Residence Hall Association
- UBC Student Leadership Conference (SLC)
- Science Undergraduate Society of UBC
- The Ubyssey
- Allard School of Law
- UBC Faculty of Applied Science (Engineering)
- UBC Faculty of Arts
- UBC Faculty of Forestry
- UBC Faculty of Graduate Studies
- UBC Faculty of Land and Food Systems
- UBC Faculty of Science
- UBC Sauder School of Business BCom Program
- UBC Sauder School of Business MBA Program
- UBC Master of Management - Early Career Masters Program
- Sauder School of Business at the University of British Columbia
Departments, Schools, Institutes, Programs
- Arts One Program at UBC
- Biochemistry at UBC
- Branch for International Surgery UBC
- Centre of Excellence in Cancer Prevention
- UBC Department of Chemistry
- UBC CPD (The UBC Division of Continuing Professional Development, Faculty of Medicine)
- UBC English Language Institute
- ECE@UBC Electrical and Computer Engineering
- UBC Film Production Program
- French, Hispanic and Italian Studies, UBC
- UBC Department of Geography
- UBC Department of Psychology
- UBC Graduate School of Journalism
- UBC Integrated Science Program
- UBC International Relations Program
- UBC Learning Exchange
- UBC Opera
- UBC Philosophy Department
- UBC Physics & Astronomy
- UBC Teacher Education
- Theatre at UBC
- UBC Arts Co-op Program
- UBC Arts Co-op Students' Association
- School of Population and Public Health
- UBC Human Early Learning Partnership
- UBC School of Music
- UBC Liu Institute for Global Issues
- UBC Dietetics
Museums, Gardens, Buildings, Campus Life
- UBC Aquatic Centre
- UBC Botanical Garden
- Beaty Biodiversity Museum
- Chan Centre for the Performing Arts
- Go Thunderbirds
- Irving K. Barber Learning Centre
- Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery
- Museum of Anthropology
- UBC Department of Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy
- UBC Okanagan Athletics
- UBC Wellness Centre
- UBC School of Music
- UBC Birdcoop Fitness Centre
- Indian Residential School History and Dialogue Centre
Libraries/Learning Support
- UBC Library
- Canaccord Learning Commons
- Chapman Learning Commons
- Irving K. Barber Learning Centre
- Law Library
- Asian Library
- Xwi7xwa Library
- UBC Okanagan Writing and Research Centre
- UBC Okanagan Library