MFD (Multilingual Forestry Dictionary) | |
About the MFD | |
a place to look for forestry terms in multiple languages created by the Multilingual Forest Dictionary community | |
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The Multilingual Forestry Dictionary is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. |
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- abiotic stress
- aboriginal peoples
- aboriginal rights
- adaptive management
- advance regeneration
- afforestation
- age class
- agroforestry
- air layering
- air pruning
- all-aged
- allele
- allelopathy
- allowable annual cut (AAC)
- antibiotic
- antifungal
- arboriculture
- area regenerating
- area-based tenures
- artificial regeneration
- ascospore
- asexual reproduction
- autotroph
- bacteria
- bark stripping
- basal area
- basidiospore
- bedding
- biochemicals
- biocomposites
- biodiversity
- bioeconomy
- bioenergy
- biofuel
- biogeoclimatic ecosystem classification (bec)
- biolistics
- biomass
- biomaterials
- biome
- biopesticide
- bioplastics
- biopolymer
- bioprocess
- bioproduct
- biosphere
- biotechnology
- biotic
- blight
- blister
- blow up
- blowdown
- boreal forest
- borer
- breast height
- broadcast burning
- brush
- brushing
- buffer strip
- buffer zone
- build up index
- cambium
- canker
- canopy
- canopy class
- canopy density
- carbon budget
- carbon dioxide (CO2)
- carbon footprint
- carbon sequestration
- carbon sink
- carpophore
- carrier
- caterpillar
- cell
- cellulose
- certification (forest)
- chain of custody
- chitin
- chromosome
- clear-cutting
- climate change
- climate change adaptation
- climate change mitigation
- clonal test
- clone
- coarse woody debris
- cocoon
- codominant crown class
- cohort
- commercial forest
- competitive exclusion principle
- compound leaf
- cone
- cone crop rating
- conidiophore
- conifer
- coppicing
- crown class
- crown fire
- crown land
- crowning
- cull
- cutover
- cutting cycle
- cuttings
- deadwood
- decay
- deciduous forest
- decomposers
- decurrent
- defoliation
- defoliator
- deforestation
- density dependant mortality
- density independent mortality
- desertification
- differentiation
- discoloration
- disease
- disturbance
- DNA fingerprinting
- DNA sequence
- dominant crown class
- drainage
- drought code
- duff layer
- duff moisture code
- parasite
- parasitoid
- parthenogenesis
- partial cutting
- patch burning
- pathogen
- pathology
- pest
- pest resistance
- pesticide
- phenology
- phenotype
- pheromones
- phloem
- photosynthesis
- pioneer species
- plantation forest
- plantation forestry
- planting stock
- pollination
- polyculture
- polymer
- polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
- polyphagous
- population
- precommercial thinning
- predator
- predominant
- pregermination
- prepupa
- prescribed burning
- primary succession
- procambium
- productivity
- progeny
- progeny test
- protected area
- protection forest
- protein
- provenance
- provenance test
- pruning
- pulp
- pupation
- salvage cutting
- sanitation cutting
- sapling
- sawfly
- sawnwood
- scalping
- second growth forest
- secondary succession
- seed
- seed orchard
- seedbed
- seeding
- selection
- sexual reproduction
- shelterbelt
- shelterwood cutting
- shrub
- silvicultural system
- silviculture
- site
- site class
- site factor
- site index
- slash
- slash burning
- snag
- spacing
- species
- spore
- spotting
- sprouting
- stage
- stand
- stand density
- standard germination test
- steckling
- stem exclusion
- stewardship
- stomata
- stool
- stratification
- stump
- succession
- suppressed crown class
- sustainability
- sustainable forest management
- sustained yield