Documentation:Course Design Intensive/Wiki Contributors/Overview
< Documentation:Course Design Intensive | Wiki Contributors(Redirected from Documentation:Course Design Intensive/Wiki Contributors)
Our Goals
Our goals in using the wiki as a repository for resources associated with the CTLT Course Design Intensive are to:
- Consolidate resources into a single access point for sustainable management (including revision)
- Create a re-usable set of resources for facilitators of course design related themes at UBC
- Document processes associated with the revision and development of the CDI
Why Wiki?
The UBCWiki offers several features that offer a good fit for resource development where collaboration, successive revisioning and re-use are important. These include:
- collaboration
- versioning - tracks edits by user and can revert to previous versions for publishing
- integration with UBC's CMS on WordPress - the platform used for the CDI website (public facing)
- discussion pages - allowing for review, reflection (by facilitators) and comments to aid future revisions
- media integration - including video, images, slides, etc.
- embed code by page and version for ease of re-use
- supports Creative Commons licensing to support re-use
Since these features support our goals, we would like to encourage the practice of authoring in the wiki, for facilitators, advisory and working group members of the CDI.
What We've Done So Far
- Developed a template (index) to insert on all CDI pages (see right)
- Developed a CDI portal landing page on the UBCWiki: root page
- Discussed architecture - building off root page (see below)
- Documentation:Course Design Intensive
- Documentation:Course Design Intensive/Facilitators Guide
- Documentation:Course Design Intensive/Working Group
- Documentation:Course Design Intensive/Advisory
- Established Categories: for tagging each page (to facilitate content bundling). The code (as it should look on the edit side of the wiki) is included below.
- [[Category: CDI]]: add this code to all wiki pages you create or you find and want to associate with the CDI portal
- [[Category: CDI Archives]]: add this code to wiki pages you find that are associated with past or current versions of the CDI (they may be lesson plans, pdfs, etc). In other words, any content that supports facilitation should have this category.
- [[Category: CDI month and year]]: add this category to all pages you create associated with a particular offering of the CDI (this will allow us to test the usefulness of the category tag at this level of granularity)
- [[Category: CDI Resources]]: add this category to any page that is a set of links to resources; a bibliography; a template or worksheet that you have uploaded to the wiki
- [[Category: Teaching and Learning]]: add this category to any wiki page that you want to appear in the CTLT Teaching and Learning Resources Portal
- [[Category: CDI Participants]]: add this category to any wiki page that you want to appear on an index page for Participants in the CDI.
Wiki Support
- For each offering, there will be specific tasks for Facilitators to do related to the wiki. Please refer to the Wiki Support Guide.
- we'll set time aside to review the "wiki project" as it relates to the CDI and incorporate feedback (from users) about what has worked, not worked, etc. into future documentation, support strategies and workflow processes.