Documentation:Course Design Intensive/Facilitators Guidebook/Day 2 Learning Plan

From UBC Wiki

Prepare for Day 2

1. Review your course maps to develop priorities for learning. Refer to your CDI Workbook and fill in the “Priorities chart” which can be found in the Day 1 Homework section.

2. Share up to 4 of these priorities in this Google spreadsheet (first three columns) before 9 am on Day 2 of the CDI.

3. Once you have submitted your priorities on the Google spreadsheet, review the following document: Taxonomies of Learning. This document highlights 3 different taxonomies of learning:

  • Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
  • Fink’s Taxonomy of Significant Learning
  • Wiggins & McTighe’s Facets of Understanding

Answer the following questions:

3a.Which taxonomy of learning resonates for you in terms of your priorities and what you hope your students will demonstrate? (it might even be a different taxonomy for each priority you’ve identified)

3b. What particular level, facet or category within the taxonomy best describes each of your priorities? (e.g. Analyze, Empathy, Application ….) Makes notes of these in your CDI workbook.

4. Review your One-Sentence Challenge. Based on your how you are now thinking about your course, make any necessary revisions.


9:00 am -12:00 noon

Day 2 Learning Outcomes

Theme: Defining the “What”: Aligning Outcomes, Evidence & Assessment

Essential Question for Day 2: What counts as evidence of understanding?

On Day 2, you will start to align your course outcomes with evidence and assessment methods. You will begin to develop an assessment plan for your course by identifying how students can demonstrate their progress towards your learning outcomes. You will offer and integrate feedback on this aspect of your course design plan in progress.

By the end of day 2, you will be able to:

  • Implement principles of alignment into your course design
  • Refine your course-level learning outcomes to reflect alignment with your "big ideas" and your assessment plans
  • Articulate how formative and summative assessment practices impact learning
  • Select and/or design two or more assessment strategies that are aligned with your learning outcomes and reflect enduring value
  • Appreciate the iterative nature of course design.


9:00 am - 9:15 am with Gillian

Day 1 ReCap

  • Day 1 recap: address any muddy points (parking lot)
  • Reflections on homework or course planning so far
  • Review Day 2 learning outcomes (above) and agenda

What You'll Need for Day 2

  • Your CDI Workbook and plans in progress
  • Your priorities for learning (that you prepared for today and posted to the shared google spreadsheet)

Evidence - How will we know students are learning?

9:15 am - 10:00 am - Isabeau

Independent Work: 15 minutes

Purpose:  Identify possible evidence that students are achieving your course-level learning priorities.

For at least 1 (ideally more) of your priorities, identify the evidence that would allow you and your students to know that they are achieving that outcome.

  • What kinds of evidence will you need?
  • Evidence of what?

Record on your spreadsheet or 2nd column of your course planning worksheet (just Evidence, not Assessments yet)


From Evidence to Outcomes

10:15-11am with Isabeau

Continue identifying the evidence of your learning priorities. Then revise into learning outcomes.

Alignment Check: Evidence and Priorities with Big Ideas

11:00 am - 11:30 am

Purpose: an opportunity to get input on your priorities and learning outcomes as you refine them.

Respond in Pairs or Triads

a) Group up with one or two others from the group.

b) Start with one member of your group. Ask some of the following questions (and ask follow-up questions to clarify) [30 minutes - 10 minutes each]:

  • Choose a priority and/or learning outcome. Explain how it connects to your your big ideas. As a learner, ask follow-up questions in order for your partner to clarify their intent.
  • Go through as many of your priorities and/or learning outcomes as possible in the time allotted.
    • Are there aspects of your big ideas that aren't being uncovered through the priorities you’ve identified?
    • How might your insights about your students (from Monday) influence your big ideas or your priorities?

Make sure you all have a turn. Begin to revise your learning outcomes, priorities, and/or big ideas, as relevant, based on your reflections, discussion and input. (15 mins)

Introduction to Assessment

11:30 am - 12:00 pm - Isabeau


1:00 - 4:30 pm

Evidence & Assessment

Learner-Centred Assessment

1:00 - 2:30 pm with Sue and all facilitators

Purpose: to explore criteria for learner-centred assessments: discuss a variety of techniques and propose adaptations for your course.

An interview with Brett Gilley on 2-Stage Exam

Using Assessment as a Tool for Learning

Individual reflection:
  • Based on your discusions, select an assessment technique you plan to use, e.g.
    • Quizzes
    • Problem sets
    • Journals
    • Midterms
    • Term papers
    • Reflection papers
  • Consider how you can modify it to embed formative assessment along the way, align with learner-centred principles, and/or support Belonging, Relevance, Diversity of Experience

BREAK 2:30 - 2:40 pm

Evidence & Assessment, Formative & Summative

2:40 - 3:10 pm - Independent Work with 4-column course plan (CDI Workbook)

On Your Own
  • For your learning outcomes where you've identified evidence, identify possibilities for collecting the evidence through assessments.
  • Think about your continuum of assessment which may include checks of understanding (e.g. oral questions, observations); traditional quizzes and tests; and performance tasks or projects.
  • Identify how students can demonstrate their progress towards learning outcomes
  • Identify which approaches to feedback are likely to assist the learning process for each learning outcome.
  • Consider who will assess (self, peer, instructor, auto)
  • Check that your evidence and assessment methods align with your big ideas and essential questions.

You can either work with each learning outcome individually, or work with all of them concurrently. Add them to column two of the 3 Column Course Planning Doc.


Assessment & Alignment

3:10 - 3:20 pm with Gillian

Feedback on Alignment

3:20 - 4:10 pm

Working in groups of two or three (15-20 minutes each)

Ask your partner(s) the following questions for each assessment identified:

  • What learning outcome(s) does this assessment support? 
  • What domains of learning have you integrated into your outcome and assessment plan, and are they consistent (e.g. cognitive - 'know', affective - 'appreciate', psychomotor - 'do')?
  • Have you given students the opportunity to self-assess and reflect upon their learning and performance before the final submission (scaffolding/formative)? 
  • Have you considered how the design of the assessment(s) addresses student’s sense of belonging, relevance or diversity of experience? 
    • Do the tasks involve complex, real-world (authentic) application of the identified knowledge, skills and/or understanding?
    • Do the tasks allow students to demonstrate understanding with some choice, options or variety?  
    • Could the task be performed well without a clear grasp of the understanding the task is meant to assess?


Debrief & Wrap Up

4:10 - 4:30 pm with Sue

  • Re-cap of Day 2
  • Preparation for Day 3
  • Consultations on Thursday
  • Parking lot items
  • Formative feedback on cards:
    • A highlight for me today was…
    • One concept or idea that I continue to struggle with is...

Homework at the end of Day 2


Continue working on aligning your learning outcomes and assessment plans.

Day 3 will be about integrating learning activities to support the outcomes you have defined for learners and the evidence they are expected to produce. Spend time exploring the resources on Teaching and Instructional Strategies (we've curated a resource list for you, here on the wiki, Day 3 Resources). As you explore the materials think about the types of learning activities that will support your learners, seeking alignment with your learning outcomes and assessment plans. Look at the instructions in the CDI Workbook to help you with this phase.

You may have previously identified a particular "learning challenge" or "learning pitfall" that your students experience in your course. If so, pay attention to how some of these strategies might address the learning challenge and support student's learning throughout the course.

1. As you explore the resources, identify some strategies/techniques you've used in the past, and some you are interested/considering using. Write 2 of the strategies you've used before on the BLUE cards. Write 2 of the strategies you're interested in using on the YELLOW cards. Bring these cards to Day 3.

2. Update your course design plan, integrating your ideas for learning activities into the last column of your 4-column course plan. These ideas can be drafty at this point, and we will work on alignment of learning activities on Day 3.

3. Read: Bart, Mary (2015) A Learner Centered Syllabus Helps Set the Tone For Learning - Faculty Focus

4. Revisit your One-Sentence Challenge. Revise into a course description--describing your course from a learner centered perspective (in preparation for writing your syllabus). Write it out in order to share. Keep it short and inspirational.

Day 2 Resources

Learning Outcomes


Exam Wrapper
2 Stage Exam Process
Peer Assessment
Wikipedia Projects - UBC Examples
SPAN312 Murder, Madness, and Mayhem: Latin American Literature in Translation Jon Beasley-Murray
HIST 396 North American Environmental History Tina Loo
Linguistics Rose-Marie Déchaine
FNH 200 Exploring Our Foods Judy Chan

Learning Research


Allan, J. (1996). Learning outcomes in higher education. Studies in Higher Education 21(1): 93-108.

Harden, R. M. (2002). Learning outcomes and instructional objectives: is there a difference?. Medical teacher, 24(2), 151-155.

Kennedy, D., Hyland, A., Ryan, N. (2009). Learning outcomes and competences. Bologna Handbook, Introducing Bologna Objectives and Tools. Retrieved from:

Writing Learning Outcomes: A Guide for Academics (2007). Retrieved from:


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