Documentation:Course Design Intensive/Participants/June 2018
Welcome to the Spring 2018 session of the CDI!
We are looking forward to welcoming a new cohort during the week of June 18th - 22nd, 2018! We'll meet in person on Monday, Wednesday and Friday (full days) and on the Tuesday and Thursday we will offer a space for you to meet with peers and/or facilitators to get feedback or support for your course designs in process.
The CDI schedule is available to download, but work is in process and the finalized schedule may not be updated until the week before the session.
The purpose of a well designed course is to support learning. As such, strong course design is learner-centered. While many variables influence course design, alignment between learning outcomes, assessment approaches, and teaching and learning activities is the backbone of a well designed course.
During the 3-day Course Design Intensive (CDI), you will be designing or revising a course using principles of a learner-centred approach.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the CDI, you will be able to:
1. Design or re-design a learner-centered course.
2. Apply principles of alignment to your course.
3. Determine various learning activities and assessment strategies that best support your course learning outcomes.
4. Engage in peer learning as a means of iterating and refining your course design.
The Big Idea for the CDI is that course design both influences and is influenced by learning.
CDI Resources
Wiki Learning Plans
The CDI uses a wiki to curate our resources, share out our facilitation plan and offer discussion space for questions that arise from the day's learning. Feel free to familiarize yourself with the structure and content of the wiki in advance, but please note that facilitators are making changes to this plan up until Day 1 of the session. In order to post and respond to any discussion thread in the wiki, you need to be logged in. You can find the 'login' button on the top left of any wiki page (using your CWL to log-in).
CDI Workbook
There is a CDI Workbook to support your analytic thinking in the process of building, refining and iterating your course design. Please download a copy of the CDI Workbook, which you can choose to access in either Google Docs or MS Word. The workbook is a “working document”--as you build out your course design the template charts and tables will grow (that is, if you are using a digital version). We encourage you to adapt the templates to your own needs-- you might prefer a printed copy. In this case, we suggest going through the document first, adding white space within the sections to allow you space to write and draft as your ideas emerge.
- Google Doc version (make a copy):
- MS Word version
Pre-Work for Day 1
- Readings:
- Allen, D. & Tanner, K (2007). Putting the Horse Back in Front of the Cart: Using Visions and Decisions about High-Quality Learning Experiences to Drive Course Design CBE Life Sciences Education
- Weimer, M. (2012) Five Characteristics of Learner-Centred Teaching
- (optional) Davidovitch, N. (2013) Learning Centered Teaching and Backward Course Design
- Video to watch: * Backwards Design Video - Time: approx 6 mins.
- Case Study Response - Read the instructions on our wiki page, Case Studies on Learner Centered Teaching, and respond on the associated discussion page
- Download the CDI Workbook and complete Part A (bring the document and your work to the workshop).
- Virtual Introduction - Please briefly introduce yourself to your cohort in advance of Day 1 of the CDI. Find the discussion thread on this wiki page--note that you need to be logged into the wiki to see and post to this thread ('Login' button is on the top left of the wiki page).
When using this resource, please attribute as follows: developed by the University of British Columbia.