Documentation:Course Design Intensive/Facilitator Resources
What Goes Here?
It may be helpful for us to have a collective space for gathering links to relevant resources. The suggested categories here follow the 3 column design framework and comprise the main themes - feel free to add categories that you find useful.
Pre-Session Docs
- CDI Pre-Survey
- Planning your Course: Pre-considerations
- The Power of Course Design to Increase Student Engagement and Learning: L. Dee Fink
- Putting the Horse Back: Allen and Tanner
- Dee Fink's Integrated Course Design:
Sample CDI Plan
- University of Guelph - well constructed plan with daily deliverables and outcomes:
Theoretical Frameworks/Principles
- Wiggins and McTighe - Understanding By Design - Chapter 2 - Understanding Understanding
- YouTube video "Backwards design process" created by Cindy Underhill
- Learning Outcomes in Higher Education:
- “Backward” Curiculum Design and Assessment: What Goes Around Comes Around, Or Haven’t We Seen This Before?
- Psychological principles underlying LCT:
Learner-Centered Teaching
- Learner Centered Teaching: Phyllis Blumberg - University of the Sciences-Philadeplphia
- The Role of the Learner Centered Teacher - Mary-Ellen Weimer
- Learner Centered Teaching: Good Places to Begin - Mary Ellen Weimer
- Faculty Focus Blog (in general) as a good resource
- 5 Characteristics of Learner Centered Teaching - Maryellen Weimer
Learning activity related to LCT:
- Psychological principles underlying LCT:
- Weimer principles of LCT:
- Significant Learning: Dee Fink
- Bloom's Revised: Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching - Iowa State U.
- 6 Facets of Understanding: Using the 6 Facets; 6 Facets - description
- 3 Taxonomies at a Glance (Bloom, Fink, Miggins & McTighe)
Course Goals/Learning Outcomes
- Re-thinking the Syllabus: My Teaching Notebook - Michael Wesch
- Understanding By Design: What Is It and Why Should I Use It? - U of Alaska-Fairbanks
- BCIT Learning Outcomes
Theoretical Perspective
- Learning Outcomes in Higher Education:
- Authentic Assessment Toolbox - Jon Mueller
- Responding Responsibility: To the Frenzy to Assess Learning in Higher Education: Richard J. Shavelson and Leta Huang
- CDI Session 3 Assessment: Catherine Rawn
- Thinking/ Discussion Activity: How You Assess Students Will Impact What They Learn
- Participation Rubric - Audiology - Marie Krbavac
- Assessment: More Than a Final Exam Summer Institute 2014 - Bonita Bray, Andrea Han, Marie Krbavac
- Assessment: More Than a Final Exam Summer Institute 2015 - Andrea Han and Marie Krbavac
- 6 Facets of Understanding Rubric: Centre for Teaching - Uiowa
Active Learning
Infographics, Learning and Seated Poster Sessions: Derek Bruff - Vanderbilt - Learning With Technology: Derek Bruff - Vanderbilt: Active Learning - Annotated List: Cal State: Social Pedagogies -
Blended Approaches
- Venn Diagram: In and Out of the Classroom : Dr. Kathy Holland - UCF
Learning-Centered Syllabus
- Syllabus Best Practices Iowa State University
- Re-thinking the Syllabus: My Teaching Notebook - Michael Wesch
- Learner Centered Syllabus - Mary Bart