Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology

From UBC Wiki
Centre for Teaching, Learning & Technology
CTLT Logo.png
The CTLT advances scholarly and technology-enhanced approaches to teaching, learning and curriculum practices within and across UBC's diverse discipline and cultural contexts.
Main Contact
website: http://ctlt.ubc.ca
Main phone: 604-827-4494
Main Location
Address: 214-1961 East Mall
Building: Irving K Barber Learning Centre

The Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT) collaborates with academic and administrative units throughout UBC in order to advance the scholarly practice of all members of the UBC teaching community while supporting technology-enabled learning environments and distance learning opportunities.


Browse CTLT related categories on the UBC Wiki

Click on a category name to see all associated pages and files:

CTLT(17 categories, 107 pages, 6 files)
CDI(1 categories, 45 pages, 29 files)
CTLT Institute(18 pages, 53 files)
CTLT OLD Group(7 pages, 13 files)
CTLT People(1 pages, 1 files)
CTLT Resource Package(8 pages)
CTLT Resources(6 categories, 29 pages, 13 files)
EDSC(4 pages, 2 files)
Flexible Learning(1 categories, 89 pages, 3 files)
Inclusive Teaching(17 pages, 2 files)
ISW(3 categories, 5 pages)
Online Teaching Program(10 pages, 3 files)
Open Education(10 categories, 69 pages, 67 files)
Open UBC(3 categories, 112 pages, 29 files)
Peer Review of Teaching(31 pages, 31 files)
Teaching and Learning(13 categories, 175 pages, 21 files)
Tech Express(2 categories, 2 pages)
TLPD(1 categories, 21 pages)

Browse recently updated CTLT related wiki pages

The following is an auto-generated list of the 100 most recently edited CTLT-related wiki pages: