Category:Candidates for deletion
This is the category for pages that have been marked for deletion
This category has the following 15 subcategories, out of 15 total.
- Building Teams (empty)
- OTP Creating Content (empty)
- OTP Learning Design (empty)
- Project Scope (6 files)
- Release and Post-Release (empty)
- RLK Language Karun (empty)
- RLK Language Nanticoke-Piscataway (empty)
- RLK Language Obispeño (empty)
- RLK Language Shinnecock (empty)
- RLK Language Siuslaw (empty)
- RLK Language Yuchi (empty)
- RLK Tule-Kaweah (empty)
- Style Guide (empty)
- Textbook Design (empty)
- Writing Considerations (empty)
Pages in category "Candidates for deletion"
The following 197 pages are in this category, out of 197 total.
- Aquifer in Prince Edward Island
- Aquifer in Prince Edward Island in 21st century
- Sandbox:ARCHIVED: WeBWorK/(delete) Canvas Grade Sync LTI 1.3
- Sandbox:ARCHIVED: WeBWorK/(delete) Canvas Integration LTI 1.3
- Sandbox:ARCHIVED: WeBWorK/(delete) Get Started LTI 1.3
- Sandbox:ARCHIVED: WeBWorK/(delete) How to Add people to WeBWorK LTI 1.3
- Sandbox:ARCHIVED: WeBWorK/(delete) How to Bulk Update Class List (e.g. Section) LTI 1.3
- Caculus Solver
- Sandbox:CIRcle Contact Us
- Sandbox:CIRcle Submissions Fac&Staff VIL TEST
- Library:Circle/Assessment
- Library:Circle/IRES Pilot Project Upload Guide
- Library:Circle/Uploading Previously Published Articles to cIRcle
- Colonial Impact On Aboriginal Healthcare and Substance Abuse
- CONS200/2020/History of the Community Forestry movement in Thailand: What are the impacts, benefits and downsides?
- Course:CONS452
- Core MRAi documentation
- Course:CPSC312-2023/Game Player Title
- Course:CPSC312-2023/Pong
- Sandbox:Mariah Test
- Science:Math Exam Resources/Courses/MATH100/December 2016/Question 2 (b)
- Science:Math Exam Resources/Courses/MATH101/April 2016/Question 02 (d)
- Science:Math Exam Resources/Courses/MATH101/April 2016/Question 02 (d)/Solution 2
- Science:Math Exam Resources/Courses/MATH101/April 2016/Question 2 (d)/Solution 2
- Documentation:MFD/Term/fire weather index system
- Sandbox:MRAi Documentation
- Library:OERR/User Guides/Curating/Assessing
- Documentation:Online Tutoring
- Documentation:Open Education/Teach/Privacy
- Sandbox:Open Resource Working Group/Publishing Guide/Textbook Design/Writing/Using Third Party Materials
- Sandbox:Open Resource Working Group/Publishing Guide/Using Third Party Materials
- Sandbox:Open Resource Working Group/Publishing Guide/Writing Considerations
- Sandbox:Open Resource Working Group/Publishing Guide/Writing Considerations/Students
- Sandbox:Open Resource Working Group/Publishing Guide/Writing/Using Third Party Materials
- Open UBC Working Group/Newsletter
- Documentation:Open UBC/Adapt/How
- Documentation:Open UBC/Adapt/What
- Documentation:Open UBC/Adapt/Why
- Documentation:Open UBC/Create/How
- Documentation:Open UBC/Create/What
- Documentation:Open UBC/Create/Why
- Documentation:Open UBC/Guide/Finding OER
- Documentation:Open UBC/Guide/Finding OER/Assessing
- Documentation:Open UBC/Guide/Finding OT
- Documentation:Open UBC/Guide/Finding OT/Bookstore
- Documentation:Open UBC/Guide/Finding OT/Reference OER/Using
- Documentation:Open UBC/Guide/Finding OT/Resources
- Open UBC/Working Group/MeetingDetails
- Sandbox:Release and Post-Release
- Documentation:RelLex/A Dictionary of the Cree Language: as Spoken by the Indians in the Provinces of Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta
- Documentation:RelLex/A Dictionary of the Numípu or Nez Perce Language
- Documentation:RelLex/A Dictionary of the Osage Language
- Documentation:RelLex/A Dictionary of the Southern Ute Language
- Documentation:RelLex/A Lenâpé-English dictionary : from an anonymous ms. in the archives of the Moravian Church at Bethlehem, Pa
- Documentation:RelLex/A Reference Grammar for the Coast Tsimshian Language
- Documentation:RelLex/A Vocabulary of the Beaver Indian Language
- Documentation:RelLex/A Vocabulary of the Nanticoke Dialect
- Documentation:RelLex/AISRI Dictionary Portal: Assiniboine
- Documentation:RelLex/AISRI Dictionary Portal: Dakota
- Documentation:RelLex/American Indian Studies Research Institute: Arikara Dictionary
- Documentation:RelLex/American Indian Studies Research Institute: Skiri Pawnee Dictionary
- Documentation:RelLex/An English-Blackfoot Vocabulary
- Documentation:RelLex/Anompa: Chickasaw Workbook
- Documentation:RelLex/Arapaho Web Project Dictionary
- Documentation:RelLex/California Indian Linguistic Records: the Mission Indian Vocabularies of Alphonse Pinart
- Documentation:RelLex/California Indian Linguistic Records: the mission indian vocabularies of alphonse pinart
- Documentation:RelLex/Cayuga Digital Dictionary
- Documentation:RelLex/Chemehuevi
- Documentation:RelLex/Chemehuevi 29 Palms
- Documentation:RelLex/Cheyenne Topical Dictionary
- Documentation:RelLex/Chickasaw Talking Dictionary
- Documentation:RelLex/Coeur d’Alene Online Resource Center (Version 2)
- Documentation:RelLex/Cree FHQTC
- Documentation:RelLex/Crow Vocab Builder
- Documentation:RelLex/Dictionary of the Huron Language
- Documentation:RelLex/Dictionary of the Klamath Language
- Documentation:RelLex/Dictionary of the Lillooet Language
- Documentation:RelLex/Dictionary: Papago and Pima to English, O'othham-Mil-gahn, English to Papaga and Pima, Milg-gahn-O'othham
- Documentation:RelLex/Dictionnaire de la Langue Dènè-Dindjiè
- Documentation:RelLex/Dictionnaire Francais-Esclave
- Documentation:RelLex/Dictionnaire français-algonquin
- Documentation:RelLex/Duolingo Navajo Dictionary
- Documentation:RelLex/Eastern and Western Dialects of the Cherokee Language
- Documentation:RelLex/English - Queres Language
- Documentation:RelLex/English to Quileute Dictionary
- Documentation:RelLex/English-Arapaho Dictionary
- Documentation:RelLex/English-Cheyenne Dictionary
- Documentation:RelLex/English-Cheyenne Student Dictionary
- Documentation:RelLex/English-Gros Ventre/White Clay Student Dictionary
- Documentation:RelLex/English-Inezeno Chumash Vocabulary; English-Chumash Vocabulary
- Documentation:RelLex/Etchemin
- Documentation:RelLex/Freelang Cheyenne-English Dictionary
- Documentation:RelLex/Freelang Haida Dictionary
- Documentation:RelLex/FREELANG Inuit-English-Inuit Online Dictionary
- Documentation:RelLex/Freelang Mohegan Dictionary
- Documentation:RelLex/Fun With Words
- Documentation:RelLex/Gabriel Sagards Dictionary of the Huron Tongue (1632)
- Documentation:RelLex/Grammar of the Hesquiaht Language - Part 1
- Documentation:RelLex/Grammar of the Hesquiaht Language - Part 2
- Documentation:RelLex/Gros Ventre
- Documentation:RelLex/Gwich'in Lexical File
- Documentation:RelLex/Gwich'in Lexicon
- Documentation:RelLex/Gwich'in verb file
- Documentation:RelLex/Hawaiian Dictionary
- Documentation:RelLex/Hawaiian Words - Translation and Dictionary (App)
- Documentation:RelLex/Hawaiian Words; Hawaiian to English
- Documentation:RelLex/Hočąk Lexicon
- Documentation:RelLex/Ililîmôwasinahikan : Ililîmowin - Wemištikôšmowin = A Dictionary of Moose Cree : Cree - English
- Documentation:RelLex/Ineseño Dictionary
- Documentation:RelLex/Interior Salishan Languages
- Documentation:RelLex/Karun
- Documentation:RelLex/Keres Dictionary Online
- Documentation:RelLex/Ktunaxa Dictionary
- Documentation:RelLex/Lakota Language Dictionary
- Documentation:RelLex/Lakota-English Dictionary
- Documentation:RelLex/Language (Klamath Tribes Website)
- Documentation:RelLex/Lenape (Delaware) Northern Unami Dictionary of Big Horn Lenape Lesson Words
- Documentation:RelLex/Lushootseed Dictionary Online
- Documentation:RelLex/Maliseet Vocabulary
- Documentation:RelLex/Mandan Vocab Builder
- Documentation:RelLex/Mobile Lakhota Dictionary
- Documentation:RelLex/Mvskoke Language
- Documentation:RelLex/Mvskoke Word List
- Documentation:RelLex/myaamiaatawaakani - Myaamia Dictionary
- Documentation:RelLex/Nakoda Vocab Builder
- Documentation:RelLex/Nanticoke-Piscataway
- Documentation:RelLex/Natsit Kutchin Vocabulary
- Documentation:RelLex/Navajo Dictionary (App)
- Documentation:RelLex/New Familiar Abenakis and English Dialogues
- Documentation:RelLex/Nottoway (Cherunhakah) Lexicon
- Documentation:RelLex/Obispeño
- Documentation:RelLex/Opaskwayak Cree Dictionary
- Documentation:RelLex/Picture Dictionary (1993)
- Documentation:RelLex/Picture Dictionary (2006)
- Documentation:RelLex/Plateau Peoples' Web Portal (Colville)
- Documentation:RelLex/Plateau Peoples' Web Portal (Nez Perce)
- Documentation:RelLex/Plateau Peoples' Web Portal (Umatilla)
- Documentation:RelLex/Plateau Peoples' Web Portal (Warm Springs)
- Documentation:RelLex/Plateau Peoples' Web Portal (Yakama)
- Documentation:RelLex/Saulteaux App
- Documentation:RelLex/Shinnecock
- Documentation:RelLex/Siuslaw
- Documentation:RelLex/Skidegate Haida Wordlist
- Documentation:RelLex/Southband Pawnee Dictionary
- Documentation:RelLex/Speak Cayuga App
- Documentation:RelLex/Takelma Language of Southwestern Oregon
- Documentation:RelLex/The Bush Cree Dictionary (English-Cree)
- Documentation:RelLex/The Carrier Language (Déné Family): A Grammar and Dictionary Combined
- Documentation:RelLex/The Lanape - English Dictionary
- Documentation:RelLex/The language of the Carolina Algonkian tribes
- Documentation:RelLex/The Ojebway Language
- Documentation:RelLex/Western Abenaki Dictionary Vol. 2
- Documentation:RelLex/Yanktonai Dakota Vocab Builder
- Documentation:RelLex/Yokuts dialect survey
- Documentation:RelLex/Yokuts Texts
- Documentation:RelLex/Yuchi
- Documentation:RelLex/Zuni Word List
- Sandbox:Test cIRcle
- Sandbox:Test officeholder
- Sandbox:Test Page 1
- Sandbox:Torts/Categories of negligence
- Sandbox:Torts/Frauds
- Sandbox:Torts/Non-Natural Use of Land
- Sandbox:Torts/nonnaturaluseofland
- Sandbox:Torts/Reflexive theory
- Sandbox:Torts/strictliability
- Sandbox:Torts/Ultrahazardousactivities
- Sandbox:Torts/Vicariousliability
Media in category "Candidates for deletion"
The following 21 files are in this category, out of 21 total.
- Excelback.jpg 1,500 × 943; 190 KB
- Excelfront.jpg 1,500 × 1,030; 126 KB
- Error creating thumbnail: File with dimensions greater than 12.5 MPMath Exam Resources-Courses-MATH100 A-December 2023-Question 23-Statement.png 3,558 × 4,331; 968 KB
- OPG-Phase-1.jpg 650 × 661; 73 KB
- OPG-Phase-2.jpg 650 × 1,059; 142 KB
- OPG-Phase-3.jpg 650 × 798; 78 KB
- OPG-Phase-4.jpg 650 × 1,016; 112 KB
- OPG-Phase-5.jpg 650 × 1,024; 113 KB
- OPG-Phase-6.jpg 650 × 788; 83 KB
- Pregnant women in Kashmir picking up health package.jpg 4,800 × 3,144; 1.77 MB
- Purback.jpg 1,500 × 1,500; 183 KB
- Purfront.jpg 1,500 × 1,500; 239 KB
- Red Coast Base By 手指断了a.webp 1,680 × 3,609; 671 KB
- Renee pic.png 233 × 347; 141 KB
- Renee Zhang.jpg 233 × 347; 20 KB
- Sanny Hwang.jpg 204 × 306; 18 KB
- Sanny pic.png 204 × 306; 102 KB
- Sunny Park.jpg 233 × 302; 12 KB
- Sunny pic.png 233 × 302; 98 KB
- ZyskPicture1.jpg 862 × 410; 63 KB
- ZyskPicture2.jpg 1,329 × 795; 83 KB