Library:Circle/Uploading Previously Published Articles to cIRcle

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The following instructions are designed to assist authors with uploading previously published works to cIRcle. Please ensure that you have consulted with the UBC cIRcle Office before you get started.

The onus is on submitters to establish (ahead of submission to cIRcle) whether their publisher has a self-archiving policy that permits authors to make versions of their published papers available in open access repositories such as cIRcle. It is also the responsibility of the author to ensure that the correct version of the paper is submitted.

Please follow the step-by-step instructions outlined below to submit your work to cIRcle.


IMPORTANT! If you are not the author of this work and are submitting on behalf of the author(s) you must first consult with the UBC cIRcle Office to ensure that you follow proper procedures for obtaining licenses. Submissions to cIRcle made on behalf of the author will not be archived until receipt of a cIRcle Non-exclusive Distribution License has been received from the author.

Please follow the instructions below for submitting your article to cIRcle.

What you need to know about publishers

Many publishers now permit authors to make pre-publication versions of their articles available in open access repositories such as cIRcle. Authors may ascertain their publishers’ self-archiving policy:

For more information on open access see UBC’s scholarly communications website:
What is Open Access?
Copyright and Author Rights

Check your publication agreement/consult co-authors

Do you have the rights to make a preprint (pre-peer review) or postprint (post-peer review, but pre-publication) of your published article available in an open access or institutional repository such as cIRcle?

Please check:

i. The publication agreement you signed with your publisher.
ii. Failing that, use the Sherpa/Romeo website to check your journal’s self-archiving policy:
iii. Also check your publisher’s web site (you may find links on the Sherpa/Romeo site). For example, Elsevier’s ‘Article posting policy’:
iv. Ensure that you follow your publisher’s guidelines regarding how you reference the published version of your article in the cIRcle record.

If your paper was co-authored, please obtain the permission of your co-authors to upload the paper to cIRcle, and ensure that they agree to the terms of the cIRcle Non-exclusive distribution license

You will agree to the cIRcle license when you upload your paper. The license includes this statement:

“If there is more than one author, all co-authors have approved the Submission and have read and agreed to the terms of this agreement”


IMPORTANT! Authors are responsible for retaining copies of any permissions they receive from publishers and co-authors. If the UBC Copyright Office or cIRcle staff obtain permissions on an author's behalf, they will assume responsibility for archiving permissions.

Register for a cIRcle login

1. On the cIRcle homepage at, look at the left-hand menu for "My Account" and choose "Register".

2. Email and include the following information:

  • State your position and affiliation with the university and confirm that you have the rights/permission to archive a copy of your article in cIRcle.
  • Provide your cIRcle login and ask to have it authorized for the collection associated with your academic or research unit. If there is no collection for your academic unit, please email cIRcle staff for assistance at

3. cIRcle staff will authorize your login and will let you know when it’s ready for use. Note that you can link your CWL to your cIRcle login and thereafter use your CWL to login to cIRcle. For instructions, see the cIRcle login page

Login from the cIRcle homepage

Prepare your file for uploading

  1. Ensure that you upload the correct version of your paper (preprint or postprint).
  2. Save your file as a PDF in accordance with cIRcle file naming conventions


On the cIRcle homepage at, look at the left-hand menu for "My Account" and choose "Login".

Login from the cIRcle homepage

Choose a login method

Login to cIRcle with either your UBC Campus Wide Login (CWL) account (after linking your CWL to your cIRcle login), or use your cIRcle login.


Tip! cIRcle staff need to authorize your cIRcle login before you can submit your article to cIRcle. Please ensure that you have followed the registration guidelines above.

Login screen using either CWL or cIRcle


Now that you have logged in, you will have new menu options on the home page. To start a new submission, look at the left-hand menu for "My Account" and choose "Submissions". This new menu item will take you to your “Submissions & workflow tasks” page.

Homepage submissions

Start a new submission

On your “Submission & workflow tasks” page, click on “Start a new submission

If you have already completed a submission during this session, the prompt will read “Start another submission”. Submission workflow and starting your submission

Select a collection

On the “Item Submission” page, click on “Select a collection” from the drop-down menu. Choose a collection for your item. Click “Next” to continue.

The “Collection” is the one into which you have been authorized to submit your item. If you would like to add an item to multiple collections, please contact

Start a new submission

Description of item

There are two stages to describing the item. In the first stage, you record the author/creator name, title, language, and other key fields. In the second stage, you add your academic affiliation, date of issue, publisher, citation details and other optional fields. On both pages, each field has a selection area, text describing the field, and an indication of whether the field is [REQUIRED] or [optional]. Required fields will display in red if you do not fill them in and you will be prompted to complete them before continuing the submission process.

To complete the first stage, fill in all required fields, and note particularly the following:

  • Text Attribute: Select both 'Article' and 'Preprint' or 'Postprint' as appropriate
  • Scholarly level: If there are multiple authors with different levels, select multiple levels, for example 'Graduate' and 'Faculty'

You may also fill in the optional fields if desired. When you have finished, click on “Next” to continue.

IRES Item Description


Tip! To save your unfinished submission, click “Save & Exit” followed by “Save it, I'll work on it later” to confirm. Look for this option throughout the submission process.

Describe the item

On the second page, you need to define your academic affiliation, date of issue, and other fields. Please pay special attention to the following:

  • Affiliation: Include multiple affiliations if appropriate. If a co-author is not from UBC, include the '(Non-UBC)' affiliation as well.
  • Publisher: Enter the name of your journal article publisher.
  • Citation field:
  • Include the full citation to the published article, as stipulated by your publisher (check your publisher's web site). If your publisher requires that an explanatory note be added to your PDF file, please do so.
  • Include the DOI of the published article. The latter should be prefixed by ''.
  • If you article has not yet been published (but soon will be), please note the forthcoming publication details, including publisher, in the Citation field.

For an example, see the following article from IRES Research Papers in cIRcle: Effects of Fair Trade Certification on Social Capital: The Case of Rwandan Coffee Producers

If applicable, fill in any other optional fields. Click on “Next” to continue.

Describe your item Part 2


IMPORTANT! Required fields display in red if not completed. You will need to complete them before advancing to the next screen.

Upload a file

Click on “Choose File” to select the file from your computer. If there is only one file to be uploaded, simply click on “Next”.

If you have more than one file to upload, click on “Upload” and continue to add additional files. Repeat this step to add multiple files. Click on “Next” when all the necessary files have been uploaded.

If you wish to remove a file uploaded by mistake, select the file you wish to remove under “Files Uploaded” then click on “Remove Selected Items”.


Tip! Your file will be publicly accessible unless you add an embargo date. If your publisher insists on an embargo period (typically 6, 12 or 24 months), please enter the release date for your article and provide a reason for the embargo date request. Embargo requests are approved by cIRcle staff.

Upload item

Potential Duplicates

The system automatically checks for duplicate items in the database. The statement on the screen should read, “No potential duplicates found.”

This quality assurance check ensures that there are no duplicate submissions already archived in cIRcle. If the statement indicates the presence of a duplicate, email the cIRcle Office at for assistance.

Click on “Next” to continue.

Duplicate check

Review your work

Under each of the “Describe Item” sections, verify that the information entered into all of the metadata fields is correct. Click “Next” if there are no changes.

If you need to change the metadata in one of the fields, click on “Correct one of these”. This will allow you to return to the relevant section to make changes. Be sure to click on the “Next” button after making any correction(s) to ensure the changes have been saved. To navigate through the Item submission sequence, simply use the tabs labelled, “Describe”, “Upload”, “Duplicate Check”, etc. that appear at the top of the Item Submission page.


Creative Commons License

Version 2.0 of the cIRcle Non-Exclusive Distribution License (‘the License’) went into effect on Friday March 7, 2014. This License applies to all materials submitted to cIRcle as of March 7, 2014, 5:00 p.m. PST. The License is not retrospective, i.e. it does not apply to materials submitted to cIRcle prior to that date/time.

Please find below a description of the changes to the License:

  • As before, copyright holders retain their copyright under Version 2.0 of the License. The text of the new License is available here:;
  • Version 2.0 of the License contains two important changes (over the previous Version 1.1):
  1. The License is applicable to theses and dissertations as well as to all non-thesis work in cIRcle. (Up until March 7, 2014, there is a separate license for theses and dissertations).
  2. The License provides for re-use rights for the first time. Re-use rights spell out the conditions under which people who find your work in cIRcle are allowed to re-use that work. A good way to specify re-use rights is via a Creative Commons license, and the new cIRcle License specifies that, by default, re-use rights for works deposited in cIRcle will correspond to the most restrictive of the Creative Commons licenses, which stipulates that:
  • Others will be able to download your work and share it with others, as long as they credit you.
  • They cannot change your work in any way nor may they use it for commercial purposes.
This Creative Commons license is known as the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs, or CC BY-NC-ND license. The text of the license is available here:
As noted, the above Creative Commons license will apply by default, although you will have the option of assigning a different Creative Commons license.
For additional information on Creative Commons licenses, see:


Tip! Creative Commons Licenses govern what people who access your work may then do with it. To help you decide which license to use or to learn more about conditions of use or visit the Creative Commons website.

Select a Creative Commons License

Preview Your Creative Commons License in cIRcle (Optional)

Once you've selected your Creative Commons license and clicked "Next" you will automatically be taken to the UBC Thesis Non-exclusive Distribution License--the last step to complete your submission. Note that in order to preview your license before completing your submission, you have to proceed to the cIRcle Non-exclusive Distribution License page first and from there click "Previous". You will then be taken back to the previous screen from which you will be able to click on the link to preview your selected license. You can also remove the Creative Commons license by clicking on the drop-down menu and selecting "No Creative Commons license." If you do not wish to make any changes, click “Next” to proceed to the last phase of the submission process.


Tip! To delete the Creative Commons License, use the drop-down menu and select the "No Creative Commons License" option.

ETD CC Review

cIRcle Non-Exclusive Distribution License

This is the final step in the submission process. The distribution license permits cIRcle to make your work available via the Web but you, as the author/creator, retain the rights as negotiated with your publisher. When you have read the license agreement, click on the box beside the statement, “I Grant the License”. Click on the “Complete submission” button.

cIRcle distribution license

Submission completed

Congratulations! You have now completed your cIRcle submission!

cIRcle staff will check the descriptive information that you've supplied and will, if necessary, return the record to you to make changes. When all is correct, your record will be added to cIRcle (this may take a few days).

After addition to the database, you will receive an automated email containing the persistent URL of your submission.

To start another submission, click on the “Submit another item” on this page. Or, you may click on “Submissions” under “My Account” in the left sidebar to return to your “Submission & workflow tasks” page.

To exit cIRcle, go to the left-side menu and locate “My Account”, then click on “Logout”.


Your Research on the Web

How do I cite an item in cIRcle?

For information on how to cite your paper or other items in cIRcle, please consult our FAQ: How do I cite an item in cIRcle?

Who's using my article?

Track usage of your paper by clicking on 'Show statistical information' at the bottom of your record in cIRcle. This link will display the last six months of views and downloads as well the top ten countries viewing your paper.

Show statistical information


Tip! You can access view and download statistics for your paper for all time with our Usage Analysis module. Visit our User Guides page for appropriate tutorials.

Comments or questions about uploading to cIRcle?

Please email cIRcle staff at