


先生07:13, 15 January 2012

雪の日の出会い (An Encounter on a Snowy Day)

男:どうしました? (What's wrong?)

女:大切にしてる人形を落としてしまって (I dropped my precious doll...)

男:手がしもやけになってるじゃないですか。僕ヒマだから探して挙げる。休んでなさい (Aren't your hands frostbitten? I am not doing anything so please take a rest while I look for it for you)

男:えっまおちゃんあったの? (You found it, Mao-chan?)

男:人形ってが針がいっぱい刺してあるブードゥ教の人形ですか? (But this doll is pierced with needles. Is it a voodoo doll?)

女:お礼に私の部屋でお茶でも (In gratitude, would you like to come have tea in my room?)

男:今日は忙しいので遠慮します (I am busy today, so maybe another time.)

Dadadocot04:09, 16 January 2012

「手がしもやけ~」の英訳、よくできています。「まおちゃん、あったの」の訳もいいです。「えっ」はどう訳しますか?"May be another time"という訳も、「今日は」という言葉を上手に意訳していると思いますよ。 Voodoo dollのセンテンスはゆきさんやTianYiさんの訳を見てみてください。

先生17:54, 20 January 2012

Snowy Day Meeting

Man: What’s happened?

Woman: I’ve dropped a doll that’s precious to me.

Man: Your hands will get frostbite! Listen, I’m free, so I’ll find it for you. You rest.

Man: Huh? Did you find it, Mao?

Man: There’s a lot of needles stuck in this doll…is it a voodoo doll?

Woman: I must thank you. Would you like to come to my room for tea, or…?

Man: You’ll have to excuse me, I’m busy today.

NakagawaCY01:29, 17 January 2012

男の人"Listen"、よくできました!それから男の人の最後のセリフの英訳もとてもいいですね:) 「しもやけ」のところは"will"ではありません。

先生17:50, 20 January 2012

An Encounter on a Snowy Day

Man: Did something happen?

Woman: I dropped my precious doll...

Man: Your hands got frostbite! I'm free right now, so I will find it for you. Please rest.

Man: Eh, did you find it, Mao chan?

Man: There are a lot of needles stabbed on the doll... is it a voodoo doll?

Woman: To repay your kindness, would you like to come over to my place for some tea or...?

Man: I am busy today... I will pass...

Dayeon Yoo & Kitty Yeung

DayeonYoo02:53, 17 January 2012

う~ん. . . . ちょっとものたりないかな~。

先生18:02, 20 January 2012

Encounter on a Snowy Day

Panel 1

Man: What's wrong?

Woman: I dropped a doll that is very important to me.

Panel 2

Man: Aren't your hands frostbitten? I've got time so I'll search for you. Take a rest.

Panel 3

Man: Hey, you found it Mao?

Panel 4

Man: This doll has a bunch of needles in it - is it a voodoo doll?

Woman: I'd like to thank you. Would you care to come to my place for some tea?

Man: I'm busy today so I'll pass.

Melanie, Rhys, & Sam

MelanieApps15:52, 17 January 2012


Voodoo dollのところはTiang Yiさんの訳を見てみてください。

先生18:06, 20 January 2012

tonia, elisa , paris

Encounter on a snowy day

What's wrong? I dropped my precious doll by accident...

Are you sure that your hands aren't just frostbited? I have time so I'll help you find it. Please don't worry.

Huh? Did you find Mao-chan?

Is the doll a voodoo doll that has a lot of pins pierced in it? Thanks. Please come over at my place for tea anytime. I'm busy today so I'll pass that offer.

ElisaTang17:04, 17 January 2012

「手がしもあけ~」の訳はちょっとちがうんじゃないかな?「ひまだから」のところはよくできています。「やすんでなさい。」の訳がありませんが?Don't worry.に付け加えてください。

先生18:09, 20 January 2012

What's wrong? I droped my precious doll...

Won't your hands become frostbitten? I have time so I'll look for it for you. You take a rest.

Eh, you found it, Mao-chan?

The doll you were looking for, is it the Voodoo doll full of needles stabbing out? As a thank you, would you care to come to my room and have some tea? I'm busy today so I'll save it(till future).

Tianyi and Angela

TianYiDong21:49, 17 January 2012


先生18:12, 20 January 2012

Snow Day Encounter

Man: Is something wrong?

Woman: I dropped my precious doll...

Man: Your hands are getting frostbites! Since I'm free, I'll find it for you. You go get some rest!

Man: Huh? Mao, you found it?

Man: A Voodoo doll with so many needles stabbed on it is what you meant by a "doll"?!

Woman: let me treat you with tea or something in my room in return.

Man: I'm busy today, so I'll pass.

Amy Chern

AmyChern23:23, 18 January 2012


先生Kate18:22, 20 January 2012

Encounter on a Snowy Day

Akio: Is something wrong?

Lady: I've dropped my precious doll...

Akio: Your hands are getting frostbites. Since I have nothing to do I will help you find it. Go get some rest.

Akio: Eh, did you find it Mao-chan?

Akio: The doll you were looking for... is it the voodoo doll with many needles stabbed to it?

Lady: For appreciation do you want to come to my room for a couple of tea?

Akio: I am busy today so maybe next time.

YukiTerao06:13, 19 January 2012

よくできました!特に Voodoo dollのところの訳が非常によくできています。最後の男の人のセンテンスはゆかりさんのを見てくださいね。

先生18:03, 20 January 2012


先生18:16, 20 January 2012


1.どうしました?   What's wrong?, Are you OK? という意味で、「だいじょうぶですか」とよく似たニュアンスで使います。「どうしたんですか」と同じ意味ですが、「どうしました」のほうがちょっとフォーマルです。病院でお医者さんが患者(かんじゃ, patient)に、まず、いうのは「どうしましたか?」で、あまり「どうしたんですか」は言わないです。このとき、「だいじょううぶですか」は使いません。

2.~じゃないですか   何か発見して驚いたたときの表現です。このマンガのシーンで「手がしもやけになっていますね。」は変です。たとえば、クラスで勉強しているとき、となりに座っているクラスメートを見たら、血を流していた(bleeding)とき、「血が出ていますよ。」というと、ただのstatement(just telling the person the fact)になりますが、「血がでているじゃないですか。」というと、あなたがそれを見てびっくりして大変だと思っているという意味になります。   また、「~じゃないですか」は抗議(こうぎ、protest)の表現としても使えます。次のスキットのように使います。

  こども:お母さん、クリスマス・ケーキは?   母:今年はクリスマス・ケーキは無し。   こども:ええ~、先週、クリスマス・ケーキを買ってくれるって言ったじゃない!うそつき~。

先生19:37, 25 January 2012