Fragment of a discussion from Course talk:JAPN302/303
tonia, elisa , paris
Encounter on a snowy day
What's wrong? I dropped my precious doll by accident...
Are you sure that your hands aren't just frostbited? I have time so I'll help you find it. Please don't worry.
Huh? Did you find Mao-chan?
Is the doll a voodoo doll that has a lot of pins pierced in it? Thanks. Please come over at my place for tea anytime. I'm busy today so I'll pass that offer.
「手がしもあけ~」の訳はちょっとちがうんじゃないかな?「ひまだから」のところはよくできています。「やすんでなさい。」の訳がありませんが?Don't worry.に付け加えてください。