Fragment of a discussion from Course talk:JAPN302/303
Snowy Day Meeting
Man: What’s happened?
Woman: I’ve dropped a doll that’s precious to me.
Man: Your hands will get frostbite! Listen, I’m free, so I’ll find it for you. You rest.
Man: Huh? Did you find it, Mao?
Man: There’s a lot of needles stuck in this doll…is it a voodoo doll?
Woman: I must thank you. Would you like to come to my room for tea, or…?
Man: You’ll have to excuse me, I’m busy today.
男の人"Listen"、よくできました!それから男の人の最後のセリフの英訳もとてもいいですね:) 「しもやけ」のところは"will"ではありません。