Course:EOSC270/Projects/Past projects
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2021 Past Projects
- Accelaration of Sea Ice Melt due to Human Activity
- Antibiotics in Marine Ecosystems
- Commercial Whaling
- Ecological Impacts of Finfish Aquaculture
- Impacts of Invasive Species on Marine Ecosystems
- Impacts of Shoreline Armoring on Marine Ecosystems
- Light Pollution
- Macroplastics in our Oceans
- Military Impacts on Marine Life
- Ocean Acidification on Coral Reefs
- Oil Spills
- SAMPLE PAGE: Agricultural Runoff in Lake Michigan
- Sea Level Rise: Impacts on Marine Ecosystems
- Shifting Species Ranges in Marine Ecosystems: Drivers, Status and Implications
- Under the Sea: the issue with Deep-Sea Mining
- Underwater Noise: sources and impacts on marine life
- Unregulated and Unknown: Effects of Nuclear Waste on Marine Ecosystems
- Will's Example
- test
2022 Past Projects
- Acid Mine Drainage from Britannia Mine
- Assisted Evolution of Coral Reefs
- Charlie Test
- Covid 19: The Effects of Single Use Plastics on Marine Ecosystems
- Group 10-Causes and Effects of Coastal Eutrophication
- Group 5 - Effects of Overfishing
- Group 9 - Effects of Invasive Lionfish in the Caribbean
- Effects of Pharmaceutical Pollution on Marine Ecosystems
- Group 12 - Eco Tourism
- Group 13 Impacts of Tourism on Caribbean Coastlines
- Group 14 - The Impact of Commercial Boating on the Port of Vancouver's Marine Ecosystem
- Group 15 - The Effects of Bottom Trawling and Marine Floor Fishing
- Group 16 - Effects of Sea Cage Aquaculture on surrounding Marine Ecosystems
- Group 19 - Effects of Deep Sea Mining and Offshore Drilling on Apex Marine Predators
- Group 20 - Effect of Underwater Noise Pollution on Cetaceans
- Group 2 - Ocean Acidification Limiting Shell Development on Shellfish
- Group 4 - The Impacts of Salmon Farms on Marine Ecosystems
- Group 7- Seawater Desalination
- Impact of Tourism on Marine Ecosystems in BC
- Impacts of Human Activity on Kelp Forests in BC
- Impacts of sunscreen and skin care products on coral reefs
- Ocean Acidification Limiting Shell Development on Shellfish
- The Shark Fin Trade