Documentation:WeBWorK/Frequently asked questions

From UBC Wiki

If your question is not answered on this page, please contact the LT Hub or Science LT for further assistance.


How do I copy problems from one problem set to another?

Copying problems from one problem set to another is done via the Library Browser. In your WeBWorK course, go to Library Browser in the left sidebar. Select the intended target set, browse From This Course, then select the intended source problem set to browse problems from – see full instructions here.

I have set up Canvas grade sync, but why aren't students' grades being updated in Canvas?

WeBWorK automatically updates the Canvas gradebook when a student submits an answer in their WeBWorK assignment. Additionally, an automatic grade sync occurs approximately every 8 hours. It is possible the grades simply have not been updated in your Canvas course yet, and will get updated in the next automatic grade sync (up to 8 hours later). You can also try manually syncing the grades through the Hmwk Sets Editor. Please see this page for more information.

If the grades have not been updated yet after more than 8 hours have passed or after manually syncing the grades, double check the WeBWorK assignment link in your Canvas assignment to see if it is set up correctly – it is possible the WeBWorK URL was not the correct one and therefore grades did not sync over. Remember that link must follow the format: where assignment_name is the name of the assignment in your WeBWorK course.

If the grades are still not updated after checking the above, please contact the LT Hub or Science LT for further assistance.

Why hasn't my Canvas class list synced in WeBWork?

In order for your Canvas class list to sync with your WebWork course, each student will need to click the WeBWorK link in your Canvas course themselves. You can also manually sync your class list through the Classlist Editor. Please see this page for more information.

Why do I get an error when I am naming my problem set?

Webwork has certain naming preferences such as not allowing you to have spaces and certain symbols (“!” & “?”) in the set name. If your assignment name consists of multiple words, you can use an underscore, “_”, or a hyphen, “-”, instead of a space to separate the words.

Why doesn't the image in the problem load?

This often happens because the instructor has modified the graph without adding an additional line of code that allows to refresh the image. Instructors can refer to this page on how to add the code.

I need to fix the correct answer for a question, can WeBWorK regrade all the submissions?

No – WeBWorK will not regrade submissions if the correct answer was changed for a test question. This also means if students have already submitted their work, WeBWorK will not update their grades if an answer changes in the test questions. However, if students started a new test attempt after you changed the correct answer, then the change will apply to the new attempt (new test version).

If you want to update students’ grades, you will need to manually update each of them – see this page for instructions on how to change a student’s grade.

I need to remove a question from a test, will WeBWorK regrade all the submissions?

Yes - once the test is completed, if you delete a question from the test, students’ grades will be updated to reflect their new test grade out of the remaining questions.


In a multi-section course, how can I assign each of my individual course section with a different WeBWorK exam?

To assign each section a different exam is to create a different proctored test for each section, each with a different password, and only give the password for that test to the section it is for.

Will students get the full time-limit regardless of when they started the test, as long as they started before the set close time?

Example: A WeBWorK test is open from 1pm – 2pm, with a 60-minute Time Limit. Student A begins the test at 1:30pm.

In your WeBWorK test’s settings, there is an option to Cap Test Time at Set Close Date - if this is enabled, then the Close Date will override the Time Limit that you set for the test. In the above example, Student A will run out of time at 2pm. However, if Cap Test Time at Set Close Date is not enabled, then Student A will have until 2:30pm, the full 60 minutes, to complete the test.

Note: If you do not set a Time Limit (default at 0 min), then the test will end at the Close Date.

What happens if I change the Close Date for a test that is currently in progress?

If you change the Close Date for a test that is currently in progress, the change will only affect those students who have not yet started the test as well as any new test attempts (test versions) that students have started after this. In order to change the Close Date of a student's CURRENT test attempt, you will need to go to the individual student’s settings and change the Close Date of the specific test version they are currently working on. See this page for instructions on how to do this.

How do I provide students with special accommodations extra time BEFORE the test starts?

To provide a specific student extra time BEFORE the test starts, you can navigate to the test settings and edit the settings for an individual student – follow the instructions on this page.

How do I provide extra time to a specific student DURING a test?

To extend the time limit for a specific student DURING a timed test, you will need to navigate to the specific student’s assigned sets and change the Close Date of the specific test version they are currently working on. See this page for instructions on how to do this.

Are there submission issues when all students in a large enrollment course have the same cut-off time?

Submission/load issues may occur if large groups of students submit a test at the same time. It is recommended to stagger start times by 10 minutes and to limit to smaller groups at a time. You can also consult with LT support or Science LT to determine any concerns/adjustments that can help keep the submission process smooth and avoid overloading the servers.

How do I hide the grades from students so they do not immediately see it after they submit?

To hide WeBWorK grades from students and mute grades notifications, you must edit the settings for the related assignments in the Canvas gradebook. Please see these instructions to edit your Canvas settings. In addition, ensure that your WeBWorK test settings have Show Scores on Finished Assignments? set as No, and once the test is completed, you may also want to hide the test from students’ view by deselecting Visible.  

If you would like to disable the auto grade sync to prevent the Canvas gradebook from automatically updating, please see this page.


How do I assign different due dates and/or availability dates for a homework set to a student so it’s different from the rest of the class?

To assign different due dates and/or availability dates of a homework set to a specific student, follow the instructions on this page. Please note that these instructions address the specific scenario of extending the due date - you may, of course, change the other settings for the specific student however necessary.