
From UBC Wiki

This is the wiki for CPSC 312 in 2021. You can edit the wiki if you log in with your CWL. See the main web page for the course

Project 1


Post links to your project here; give it a meaningful link and title. Please create appropriate headings.


Chess Project (Jack, Kai Ti Mok)

Search Autocomplete (Kevin Yuen Gee Lee, Yiang Mao)

Morse Code Decrypt (Evan, Jeremy)

Cross Word Helper (Maximilian, Noah Finkielsztein, Eduardo)

Password Manager (Jason, Eugene, Aiden)

Voronoi Image Manipulator (Gokce, Shirley)

Image Blurrer (XinRan Zhang, Andrew Lin)

KMP Pattern-matching algorithm(Tom Mo, Shijia Su)

Aho-Corasick algorithm (Andrew Sung, Nathan Hsu)

Maze Generation (Hiroki, Samad)

Waypoint (Sam, Andy)

Machine Learning

Random Forest (Anson Chiu, Jillian Chiam)


Game of Probable Life (Emily, Philippe, Phoebe)

Ray Tracing Demo (Theo Scofield, Yang Liu)


Chess with machine player (Aziz, Yiyi, Cynthia)

Oregon Trail (Aidan Frost, Connor Quigg, James Zang)

Reversi-Merci (Hannah, Emma, Clement)

GUI Minesweeper (Declan, Caleb)

Tic Tac Toe (Richard, Alan)

N-Planetary (Bronwyn Damm, Johann Cooper, Justin Hu)

Squava (Chris, Alex, Peiyan)

Haskell Minesweeper (Dennis, Ivan)

Mancala (Zhihang, Spencer)

FlappyGhost (Lisa, Tiger)

blackjack (Adrian, Victor, Janice)

Othello (Paul, Daryus, Marina)

Gomoku (Jason, Kuanmin, Maria)

Connect4 (Vandy, Eric)

Snake (Andy, Madeline, and Matthew)

Pokemon (David, Johnson, Yifu)

Battleship (George, Elton, Stephen)

Breakout (Yean, Jason, Daniel)

High/Low (Owain, Han, Gabriel)

2048 (Allison, Burcu)

Minesweeper with Assistant (Brendan Woodward, David Liu, Jack Heidal)

Sudoku (Heidi, Yanli)

Pyramid Stacking (Perry, Laura)

Minesweeper (Sizhe, Enguang)

Bingo (Nawa, Xindi)

Tic-Tac-Toe (Shannon, Anthony)


Barbershop Scheduler (Elly, Zoe)


Problem Set Generator (Hisham, Alex, Nicholas)


FTPServer (Sadek Elbetar, Matthew Ng, Victor Zhu)


RSA Encryption (Caleb Kellett, Heather DeHaven)

Unix Utilities

HalGrep (Kyle Da Silva, Julian Mentasti, Reginald McDonald)


Small programming language (Connor Cahoon, Sam Schweigel)

Project 2


Post links to your project here; give it a meaningful link and title. Please create appropriate headings.


Event Scheduler (David Cai, Johnson Wu)

Prerequisite Checker (Yi Ang Mao, Kevin Yuen Gee Lee)

Task Planning System (Brendan Woodward, David Liu, Jack Heidal)

Trip Planner (Andrew Sung, Nathan Hsu)

Nutrition Planner (George, Elton, Stephen)

Barber Shop Booking System (Alex, Hisham, Nicholas)

Representing the rules for some regulatory framework

Prolog ecological food web (Dennis, Ivan)

Yearly Prolog(ue) - Course Scheduler (Bronwyn Damm, Johann Cooper, Justin Hu)

?- perfectMatch(You,X) - Find Your (Stable) Match (Andy, Sam)

Blind Date (Tiger, Lisa)


Chess Game Prolog (Jack Mei, Kai Ti Mok)

Prolog Minesweeper (Connor Quigg, Aidan Frost, James Zang)

Pokemin (Evan, Jeremy)

Connect4 (Vandy, Eric)

Slay the Dragon (Yean, Jason, Daniel)

Sudoku Solver (Declan, Caleb)

Mastermind (Andy Dong, Madeline, Yang)

The Legend of Lelda: Zink's Awakening (Jason, Eugene, Aiden)

Cross Word Helper (Maximilian, Eduardo, Noah Finkielsztein)

Tic Tac Toe (Chris, Alex, Peiyan)

Boggle solver (Theo)

Recommendation System

Twitter User Recommendation System (Gokce Dilek, Shirley Yang)

Recipe Recommender (Emily, Phoebe)

Computer Science Course Recommender (Caleb, Heather)

Flight Recommender(Hannah, Clement, Emma)

Yelp Search Engine (Cynthia, Perry, Yiyi)

Meal Recommender (Ziqing Yuan, Siwei Zhang)

Recipe Recommender System (Burcu, Allison)

Search Engine (Andrew Lin, XinRan Zhang)

Film Recommendation System (Tom Mo, Shijia Su)

City Recommender (Shannon Lawrence, Anthony Mak)

Videogame Recommender (Alan Yan, Richard Li)

Pill Reminder (Hiroki, Samad)

Song Recommender (Adrian, Victor, Janice)

Album Recommender (Enguang Shi, Sizhe Fan)


CPSC Degree Checker (Sadek Elbetar, Matthew Ng, Victor Zhu)

RPG Material Planner (Xindi, Nawaratt)

UBC CPSC Degree Requirement System (Heidi Cai, Yanli Qiu)


HR Chatbot (Owain, Han, Gabriel)


Real-time Cryptocurrency Query (Paul, Daryus, Marina)

Natural Language Interface

Lyric Generator (Edward Chang, Sheetal Shajan, Yichen Xin)

Dota2 Hero Guide (Zhihang, Spencer)

Logic Reasoning

Proof Checker (Connor Cahoon, Sam Schweigel)


Password Manager (Aziz, Charles, Matthew)


Poker Hand Evaluation (Anson Chiu, Jillian Chiam)

Natural Selection Simulation (Jason, Kuanmin, Maria)

ProGraph (Reginald McDonald, Kyle Da Silva, Julian Mentasti)