
From UBC Wiki


Authors: Sizhe Fan, Enguang Shi

What is the problem?

We will try to implement the classic game minesweeper in Haskell. We will be building multiple difficulty levels so that even someone new to minesweeper can get the hang of it. The higher difficulty levels will have significantly larger grid and more mines than the level before. We will provide useful tools to help finding the mines as well as hinting how many of them have not been found. Our version of the game will be friendly to those who are not good at the original game.

What is something extra?

We will try to build save game function to add a bit laziness into the game, player will have the option to save their game and quit, then start at where they left off at some later time.

What did we learn from doing this?

First of all we learned how beneficial it is to work as a team, we gained crucial experience on project/time management, efficient communication with teammates, and finding out problems. The biggest take-away we learned is to think out of the box, sometimes a hard problem can be solved using straight-forward easy methods rather than building complicated structures that help solve the problem. When stuck with a difficult problem, don't just search for the solution right away, try to find a different approach that focuses on the basics of the problem and solve those basics individually to come up with the solution for the big problem.

Links to code etc