EML Software and Tools

From UBC Wiki
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This page is for:

Everyone at EML:

At EML, we use a standard set of tools and websites for communication and project management. This section of the EML Orientation course lists them and prompts you to sign up for each one.

Important: If you can't access these tools, you must immediately tell the Lab Coordinator or Lab Supervisor.

Using other tools

If you or your team would like to use a tool other than the ones listed here, please ask a staff member before using it, or signing your team up to use it.


  1. Microsoft Teams
  2. Microsoft OneDrive
  3. UBC Wiki
  4. Trello
  5. Clockify
  6. Workday
  7. Confluence
  8. TeamShare
  9. Slack (EMLx Only!)
  10. GitHub
  11. Figma
  12. Miro
  13. Software we're not allowed to use