Documentation:Open Case Studies/Resources

From UBC Wiki

Here is our collection of shared resources for case study development.

General Case Study Resources

These general resources on writing case studies may be helpful to your process.

Case Studies in Higher Education

Writing Case Studies

Student Guide to Writing Case Studies

Reviewing Case Studies

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Question Boxes

  • here is the mark up for a box that you can use to draw attention to questions that you want students to grapple with.


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  • add your questions here
  • one on each line

CIVL Resources

Civil Engineering case study

SiD definition of Sustainability

“Sustainability is a state of a complex, dynamic system. In this state a system can continue to flourish without leading to its internal collapse or requiring inputs from outside its defined system boundaries.

Applied to our civilization, this state is consistent with an equitable and healthy society, as well as thriving ecosystems and a beautiful planet.” [1]

SiD methods

SiD's method consists of cycle of actions that is usually cycled through several times during a project. The cycle can be entered at any point. It involves gathering experts from multi-disciplines for a short period of time (usually 5 days) in a single room where they envision, analyze, map, understand, invent, and evaluate in rapid cycles. [1] SiD method.PNG


SiD acknowledges three dimensions of impact: object level, network level and systematic level. Among the three dimensions, systematic level is the primary target for optimization because its impact is far greater than the other two levels. There are separate sets of indicators on each and together those indicators can be fed into the systematic level where sustainability can be measured.[1]

Below shows the set of indicators from the object level.
captions:Sid Spectrum Analysis

The spectrum, or ELSIA, provides a way for "systematic thinking" which allows users to map relationship between objects. It can be used for indicator selection, effect mapping and many other stages of systems analysis. In particular, ELSIA stands for: Energy & Materials (Matter), Life (Species & Ecosystems), Society (Economy & Culture), Individual (Health & Happiness), Actions (Utility & Purpose). The categories are intertwined. For example, Individuals are part of Society, Life is made of Energy and Materials and so on. [2]


The results of SiD's methodology has been evaluated in the fields of business strategy, agriculture, the built environment, industry, knowledge management and policy development. SiD evaluates multiple aspects of sustainability which can be categorized into the following sectors:[1]

  • People
    (social justice, diversity, transparency of decision making and governance policies)
  • Nature
    (biodiversity, ecosystems, capacity for value addition and safety)
  • Closed-loop metabolism
    (circular economy, zero waste, water natural and toxin free)
  • Resilient systems
    (ability of a system to handle sudden disruption)
  • Innovation
    (multi-disciplinary setup promotes innovative solutions)
  • Bottom up strength, top-down strategy

What is a case study?

"Engineering Case", "Case", and "Case Study" are used loosely and interchangeably in engineering. An Engineering Case is: an account of an engineering activity, event or problem containing some of the background and complexities actually encountered by an engineer. A case is used in engineering courses to enhance learning about engineering principles and practices. [3]

Environmental ethics expands the study of ethics into the non-human world.[4]


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Symbiosis in Development (SiD), 2009.
  2. Symbiosis in Development: ELSIA.
  4. Wikipedia. Retrieved on April 16, 2016. Environmental Ethics. Retrieved on April 16, 2016 from:

ECON Resources

Resources for case studies

  • B.C goundfish trawl fishery habitat agreement 2012-2016.
  • Case written up in an article in '. 'Marine Policy, [1]
  • Authors of the article awarded the Vancouver Aquarium- Coastal Ocean Research Institute 2016 Murray A. Newman Conservation Action Award


Then at all the other citation points, just enter:


  • Please visit here, [3]
  • Requirements available in, [3]


Important Links:

  • Research Paper- Dragging Our Assets: Toward an ecosystem approac to bottom trawling in Canada by Scott Wallace [4]
  • Research Paper: The Economics and Management of Word Fisheries. [6]

Catch_of_Pacific_ocean_perch.png Fish0192_-_Flickr_-_NOAA_Photo_Library.jpg

  1. Wallace, S., Turris, B., Driscoll, J., Bodtker, K., Mose, B., & Munro, G. (2015). Canada's pacific groundfish trawl habitat agreement: A global first in an ecosystem approach to bottom trawl impacts. Marine Policy, 60, 240-248. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2015.06.028
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 Wikipedia. Retrieved on April 16, 2016. Environmental Ethics. Retrieved on April 16, 2016 from:
  3. Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 3.2 University of British Columbia. Retrieved on May 19th:,304,933,0
  4. Wallace, S(2007).Dragging Our Assets: Toward an ecosystem approach to bottom trawling in Canada.David Suzuki Foundation. Retrieved on 19th May, 2016.
  5. Government of Canada, Integrated Fisheries Management Plans. Retrieved on 19th May, 2016 from:
  6. Bjørnland,T and Munro,Gordon(2012). The Economics and Management of World Fisheries. Oxford University Press.Volume: 28 (3), 305-306. Retrieved from:

EOAS Resources

Case Study Subjects

  • BC energy
  • site C
  • fracking


<ref name="eoas">

FRST Resources

Environmental NGOs

Human Rights NGOs


  1. Wikipedia. Environmental Ethics. Retrieved on April 16, 2016 from:
  2. /Muthu, Y., & Grzeszczyk, G. (2011). Analysis of the Australian and Canadian governments' aboriginal policies. AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples, 7(1), 15.

import links

  • forest connect [Christina: I can't find the original for this image--I'm not sure we can use it.]
Warau canoes.jpg
Illegal logging camp in Koh Kong, Cambodia
Possible illegal logging in Wamena, Papua, Indonesia, by Danumurthi Mahendra], licensed CC BY 2.0 on Flickr
Deforestation in the Amazon, licensed CC BY 2.0 on Wikimedia Commons

GEOG Resources

Geography, Environment, and Sustainability related case study resources

General References on Case-based Learning


  1. Kolodner, J. L. (1993). Case-Based Learning. Boston, MA: Springer US. doi:10.1007/978-1-4615-3228-6

Images for the Law Case Study

The Save the Fraser Declaration pdf is an indigenous law banning tar sands pipelines and tankers from crossing BC, signed by representatives of over 130 First Nations. To read the full pdf, go to Save the Fraser Declaration

Video for the Introduction of the Case Study

Gateway: The Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline A film by Ben Paull

Secondary Videos for Potential Use

Original Enbridge Nother Gateway Pipeline Route Animation


Question References

Aboriginal Rights

Borrows, John. "With or without you: First Nations law (in Canada)." McGill LJ 41 (1995): 629.

Why BC First Nations Oppose the Northern Gateway Pipeline

Case Study References

Northern Gateway. Project Outline. Retrieved on May 20, 2016 at

Additional Resources

Huff Article [1]

Huseman Article [2]

Urquhart Article[3]

Tar Sands and Indigenous lands:

Preston Article [4]

O’Faircheallaigh Article [5]

Indigenous Foundations Website [6]


  1. Huff, A. (1991) Resource development and human rights: A look at the case of the Lubicon Cree Indian Nation of Canada. Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy. 10. 161. Retrieved on:
  2. Huseman, J. and Short, D. (2012) A slow industrial genocide’: tar sands and the indigenous peoples of northern Alberta. The International Journal of Human Rights 16 (1). 216-237. Retrieved from:
  3. Urquhart, I. (2010) Between the Sands and a Hard Place?: Aboriginal Peoples and the Oil Sands. Buffett Center for International and Comparative Studies Working Paper 10-005. 9-12. Retreived from:
  4. Preston, J. (2013) Neoliberal settler colonialism, Canada and the tar sands. Race & Class 55 (2), 42-59. Retrieved from:
  5. O’Faircheallaigh, C., and Ali, A., eds. (2008) Earth Matters : Indigenous Peoples, the Extractive Industries and Corporate Social Responsibility. Sheffield, South Yorkshire, GBR: Greenleaf Publishing. Retrieved from:
  6. Indigenous Foundations. Home Page. Retrieved on May 20, 2016 at:

LFS Resources


Agnoletti Article [1]

Gavin Article [2]

Buizer Article [3]

Frascaroli Article [4]

Nakamura Article [5]

Andersson Article [6]

Mackey, B and Claudie D. [7]

Jovel Article [8]

Backes Article [9]

Clavet-Mirab Article [10]

Pretty Article [11]

Frascaroli Article [12]

Elands Article [13]


  1. Agnoletti, M and Emanueli, F. (2016). Biocultural Diversity and Landscape in Europe: Framing the Issue, Volume (V). Page 1. Retrieved from:*~hmac=9243c725c146d6bed76b06dc5157088ef38d2a614d62d19e5b8559af99126a43 Buizer, M, Elands, B and Mattijssen, T. (2015). The governance of urban green spaces in selected EU-cities: Policies, Practices, Actors, Topics. Green Surge. Retrieved from: packages/wp6/files/Buizer_et_al_2015_D6.1_GREEN_SURGE_The_governance_of_urban_green_spaces_in_selected_EU_cities.pdf
  2. C Gavin, M, McCarter, J, Mead, A. (2015). Defining biocultural approaches to conservation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, Volume (30). Retrieved from:
  3. Buizer, M, Elands, B and Vierikko, K. Governing cities reflexively-The biocultural diversity concept as an alternative to ecosystem services, Science Direct. Retrieved from:
  4. Frascaroli, F, Frascaroli, F and Verschuuren, B. (2016). Biocultural Diversity in Europe. Springer. Retrieved from
  5. Hashimoto, S, Nakamura, S, Saito, O. (2015). Mapping and characterizing ecosystem services of social-ecological production landscapes: case study of Noto Japan, Sustainability Science .Retrieved from:
  6. Andersson, E and Barthel, S. (2016). Memory carriers and stewardship of metropolitan landscapes, Stockholm Resilience Centre. Retrieved from:
  7. (2015). Points of Contact: Integrating Traditional and Scientific Knowledge for Biocultural Conservation, Environmental Ethics. Retrieved from:
  8. Jovel, Eduardo M., José Cabanillas, and G. H. N. Towers. "An ethnobotanical study of the traditional medicine of the Mestizo people of Suni Mirano, Loreto, Peru." Journal of ethnopharmacology 53.3 (1996): 149-156.
  9. Backes, Martina M. (2001) The role of indigenous trees for the conservation of biocultural diversity in traditional agroforestry land use systems: The Bungoma case study In-situ conservation of indigenous tree species . Agroforestry Systems. 52(1), 119-113. Retrieved from:
  10. Calvet-Mirab, L., Riue-Bosoma, C., González-Puentea, M. et. al. (2016). The Transmission of Home Garden Knowledge: Safeguarding Biocultural Diversity and Enhancing Social-Ecological Resilience. Society & Natural Resources: An International Journal, 29(5). Retrieved from:
  11. Pretty, J., Adams, B. and Berkes, F. et. al. (2009). The Intersections of Biological Diversity and Cultural Diversity: Towards Integration. Conservation and Society. 7(2), 100-112. Retrieved from:;year=2009;volume=7;issue=2;spage=100;epage=112;aulast=Pretty
  12. Frascaroli, F., Bhagwat, S. and Guarino, R. et. al. (May 2006). Shrines in Central Italy conserve plant diversity and large trees. Ambio, 45(4), 468-479. Retrieved from:
  13. Elands, B., Wiersum, K., and Buijs, A. et al. (2015). Policy interpretations and manifestation of biocultural diversity in urbanized Europe: conservation of lived biodiversity. Biodiversity and 24(130), 3347-3366. Retrieved from:

Possible images

Here are some images of various plants at UBC to go through and see if any are useful. If any are, please let Christina Hendricks know and she can upload them to the wiki:

I found all of these using the following page and searching on “UBC." There are lots more:

PHIL Resources

Ethics in World Politics Topics

Climate Justice


Henry Shue, "Subsistence Emissions and Luxury Emissions," Law and Policy 15:1 (January 1993).


Climate Justice Dialogue


Smog Chinese cities

Species Protection


Protection of Chimpanzees. The US banned experimentation on chimpanzees in 2015. [1]

Ban on Whaling: Regulating vs. banning whaling. [2]


  1. Charissa Echevez, "US Government Finally Banning Chimp Research," Science Times, November 23, 2015, accessed April 19, 2015
  2. Ian Hurd, "Almost Saving Whales: The Ambiguity of Success at the International Whaling Commission," Ethics and International Affairs [1], March 29, 2012, accessed May 17, 2016