About the Course
Around the world, 3.7 BILLION people work for a living. Often, their places of work are physically dangerous or they expose workers to hazardous chemicals that cause diseases, often later in life.
Each year, 2.3 MILLION people die as a result of the work they do, and 300 MILLION have to take significant time off work because of work-related health problems.
This is not a problem of the developing world; even in the high-income areas of the world 300,000 die each year due to workplace factors.
Workplaces disasters such as cyanide gas release in Bhopal, India, or the Rana Plaza building collapse in Bangladesh bring world attention to these problems. But everyday, everywhere, hundreds of millions more are at risk of workplace hazards.
This course (SPPH 381B) will examine the discipline of “occupational health” – a public health specialization that focuses on the recognition, evaluation and control of occupational health hazards.
The course takes the perspective of the discipline of Occupational Hygiene that seeks to reduce injury and disease in the workplace through the recognition, evaluation and control of workplace hazards.
Essay 1
Student Essays
- Hazards in the Modern Workplace - Michael
- Hazards in the modern workplace - Soham
- Modern occupational health policy - Alexandra
- Occupational Health: Hippocrates to Ramazzini - Desiree
- Occupational Health since Ramazzini - Ye-Von
- Occupational health policy; prevention and compensation - Rachael
- Occupational health since Ramazzini - Alberije
- Sample
- Why is it important to study occupational health? - Samin
- Why is it important to study occupational health? - Shirley
- Why is it important to study occupational health? - Zahra
Essay 2
Student Essays
- Hazard Recognition-Alex
- Hazard Recognition - Rachael
- Occupational Cancer - Desiree
- Occupational Hazards-Shirley
- Occupational Respiratory Disease - Samin
- Vulnerable Workers - Ye-Von Lee
- Vulnerable Workers - Zahra
- Occupational Cancers - Soham
Essay 3
Student Essays
- Administrative Control: PTSD-Alex
- Administrative controls and PTSD - Rachael
- E-Waste - Ye-Von Lee
- E-Waste - Zahra
- Ensuring Personal Protective Equipment works: the Respirator example
- Ensuring Personal Protective Equipment works; the Respirator example: Samin Nagi
- Hazards and Controls in the Shipbreaking Industry of Bangladesh - Michael
- Hazards and controls in the Shipbreaking Industry of Bangladesh and Pakistan - Soham
- Shipbreaking-AlberijeLeku