Course:APBI200/Problem Sets

From UBC Wiki
Introduction to Soil Science
APBI 200 teaching team (2020)
Course Info
Instructors: Dr. Maja Krzic; Dr. Sandra Brown
Office: MCML 227 (Maja); MCML 229 (Sandra)
Instructors' Office Hr: Wed 12-1 pm
Classroom: MCML 166
Lab: MCML 102A
TAs: TA Info
' PASS Info
Syllabus: | Syllabus
Course Material
Lecture Notes Lab Manual
Problem Sets Exams
Lab Assign. My Grades
Bonus Assign.
Course Discussion

There are 3 Problem Sets in the APBI 200 course; and the combined marks for 3 of these Problem Sets is worth 10% of your final mark.

All problem sets (and lab assignments) are to be handed in as hard copy in the drop boxes outside of MCML 102A. Please include your name (full name and nickname) and student number,on the front page of the assignment.
All problem sets should be handed in on time and a 10% mark subtraction will be made for each day being late. Problem sets submitted passed day 4 will not be accepted.

Click the links in the table below to download each Problem Set as a pdf file:

ProbSet1 ProbSet2 ProbSet3
Due Date:
5 pm
January 24, 2020
Due Date:
5 pm
February 14, 2020
Due Date:
5 pm
April 8, 2020

NOTE: problem set #3 is posted in canvas in both pdf and docx (microsoft word) formats

Completed assignments need to be uploaded in canvas

APBI200 Assignment drop boxes.jpg