Talk:GRSJ224/Depiction of Immigrants in Western films

From UBC Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Feedback000:39, 2 August 2018
Comment011:23, 28 July 2018
Suggestion002:41, 28 July 2018
Interesting Topic000:10, 28 July 2018
Impact007:01, 27 July 2018
Suggestion!001:55, 27 July 2018
A suggestion017:42, 25 July 2018

This is a really strong topic that you have chosen for your wiki as I believe it is often undermined when looking at Hollywood films. I really like how you brought in the topic of female immigrants as well as it highlights the intersectionality in the matter. However, I feel like you should articulate that more as it can make your argument much stronger. Further, I would like to add another suggestion in providing more specific examples of immigrants being represented in Western Films to support your argument and offer evidence.

AbdelrahmanMegahid (talk)00:39, 2 August 2018

I think that your article is a very interesting topic to explore and definitely one that most people should be more actively aware of. You’re absolutely right when you say that western films play an important role in the world’s film industry and that it is highly influential. In my opinion, I believe that film’s should be more wary towards the content that they’re producing and really evaluate how it may enforce or reinforce certain social constructs that relate to oppression. I’m excited to see the final product and would recommend using graphics such as photos and videos to enhance your work!

AlirezaAmeri (talk)11:23, 28 July 2018


Hello! I really like your choice of topic!! I just have some technical/editing suggestions. The lead section provides a solid introduction into the importance of film in shaping society and people's perceptions, however I think it will strengthen it as a reflection of your argument and topic by including a summary of your wiki itself (depiction of immigrants). Also just a typo on Referrence = References.

Looking forward to reading your finished work.

MerriTan (talk)02:41, 28 July 2018

Interesting Topic

It is easy to overlook the details of how ethnicity plays a role in determining which role a person plays in a movie. For me personally I don't often pay attention to details like that in movies, but once I actually think about it stereotypes do seem to have a substantial effect on characters in movies. I believe it would be useful for your wiki to use examples from popular movies to show to what extent the concepts of ethnicity and stereotypes are prevalent in the film industry. I am looking forward to reading the final product!

BogdanVolodin (talk)00:10, 28 July 2018

You've touched on some on the consequences that depictions of immigrants might have on the viewers, however I think it would help to really conceptualize the full range of implications (at least for myself) if your impact section also addressed the influence that inaccurate portrayals of immigrants in offline media might have on individuals who identify as immigrants to a western culture outside of the ramifications of just how they are perceived by western natives. For instance, does this tendency towards stereotypical depictions effect the representation of immigrant actors and actresses in films? Or their wages compared to their non-immigrant counterparts? Definitely a great topic with lots of room for creativity! Excited to see what else you expand on.

AprilGrant (talk)07:01, 27 July 2018


Hey! This is such a neat topic, and I'm definitely interested in reading the rest of it. I was wondering if you considered mentioning the fact that the reason why, for example, brown people play the role of taxi drivers or delivery guys, isn't because they're an uneducated people, but because the transfers of education doesn't always work in their favour. Immigrants, desperate for money, are forced into jobs that no one else will do, that often end up being dangerous, and low-paying, or "embarrassing", but this fact is rarely if ever brought up in movies, because it can't translate into entertainment.

Just food for thought!

NaimaMansuri (talk)01:55, 27 July 2018

A suggestion


Your topic is an interesting one! Immigrants, or people of colour, more precisely, are indeed portrayed in stereotypical ways. One thing to suggest is, I saw you have subtitles "Immigrants" and "Female Immigrants." If you didn't have any specific intention, consider making them Male and Female, since the examples you drew under "Immigrants" sound like only male examples (drug dealers, and etc.).

Also, since you talk about films, consider adding some visual images as examples of how people of colour are depicted.


Youngmin Choi

YoungminChoi (talk)17:40, 25 July 2018