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Week 1 - Introduction and Linear Motion (September 10)
Week 2 - Energy and Angular Momentum (September 17)
Week 3 - Central Forces (September 24)
Week 4 - Potential Theory (October 1)
Week 5 - Rotating Frames (October 10)
- Monday, October 8 is Thanksgiving - Enjoy your holiday!
- Tuesday, October 9 is your first midterm covering material presented up to September 28.
- First Midterm
- Read Chapter 5 of Kibble and Berkshire for Wednesday, October 10 (No Reading Quiz)
- Rotating frames lecture: File:PHYS350 7 5.1.pdf
Week 6 - The Two-Body Problem (October 17)
- Read Chapter 7 of Kibble and Berkshire for Monday, October 15 (Reading Quiz)
- Notes : Separation of Motion
Week 7 - Many-Body Systems (October 22)
- Read Chapter 8 of Kibble and Berkshire for Monday, October 22 (Reading Quiz)
- Notes : Many-Particle Systems
Week 8 - Rigid Bodies (October 29)
- Read Chapter 9 of Kibble and Berkshire for Monday, October 29 (Reading Quiz)
- Wednesday, October 31 is Halloween (I do appreciate creative costumes)
- Notes : Rigid Bodies
Week 9 - Lagrangian Mechanics (November 5)
Week 10 - Small Oscillations and Normal Modes (November 14)
- Monday, November 12 is a holiday in lieu of Remembrance Day - Enjoy your holiday!
- Tuesday, November 13 is your second midterm covering material presented from October 10 to November 9.
- Read Chapter 11 of Kibble and Berkshire for Wednesday, November 14 (No Reading Quiz)
- Notes : Normal Modes
Week 11 - Hamiltonian Mechanics (November 19)
Week 12 - Hamilton-Jacobi Theory and Quantum Mechanics (November 26)