Course:PHYS350/Hamilton-Jacobi Equation

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Let's take yet another viewpoint on classical mechanics which will make the connection to quantum mechanics pretty obvious. It is known as Hamilton-Jacobi theory. Let's start with the definition of the action for a particular path ,

that we evaluate for all paths with fixed end points

where the true path is an extremum of the action: .

If we take a new perspective and define a function of the initial and final positions and time that gives the action for the classical path

Let's keep the initial positions fixed but vary the end point, we have

For the classical path, the first term vanishes. This leaves

Let's trying running the evolution for a little bit longer, so we have

We know that so we have

If we combine this results we have

There is nothing particularly special about the final time so we can replace to give the following equations

or by combining the two we have

which is known as the Hamilton-Jacobi Equation.

The Hamilton-Jacobi Equation and Hamilton's Equations

Let's suppose that we have a solution to the Hamilton-Jacobi equation, . We can use Hamilton's equations to determine the velocity of the particles at any position and time,

We should check that the second of Hamilton's equations is also satisfied. We have

Let's differentiate the Hamilton-Jacobi equation to look at the last term


Using the Hamilton-Jacobi Equation

Let's suppose that the Hamiltonian is constant in time. We can solve for the time dependence of the function as

giving the Hamilton-Jacobi equation

Let's consider one-dimensional motion, so we have


Rearranging gives



Schrodinger Equation

In quantum mechanics we have

Let's write the wavefunction as an amplitude and a phase

and plug into the Schrodinger equation

Let's take the classical limit that

and collecting the terms leading in we get


We see that the solution to the Hamilton-Jacobi equation is the phase of the wavefunction in the classical limit. We can also interpret what it means for the momentum to become imaginary -- the corresponding wave function decreases exponentially in space (the WKB approximation).