
From UBC Wiki
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The Profession of Asian Studies
ASIA 592
Section: 005
Instructor: Dr. Bruce Rusk
Office: Asian Centre, Rm 404
Office Hours: W 11:30-12:30 or by appointment (in person or Zoom)
Class Schedule: W 5:00-7:30 pm
Classroom: Buchanan B312
Important Course Pages
Lecture Notes
Course Discussion

This proseminar introduces skills and knowledge to help graduate students advance through the doctoral program and toward a career in academia or related fields. It is intended for, and required of, PhD students in Asian Studies before their advancement to candidacy. It is also open (for audit) to PhD candidates and (for credit or audit) to graduate students in other fields in the humanities and humanistic social sciences.

Each student will produce a draft dossier of material for academic and other employment and for grant applications: a curriculum vitae, a cover letter, sample syllabi and course proposals, and statements on teaching and research. They will also develop planning and record-keeping skills to define and meet professional goals and to keep their dossier up to date.

The course will also help students shape and contextualize their career plans by introducing the formal and informal structures of the academy: the doctoral program; the dissertation-writing process; writing and publishing; conferences and networking; grants and fellowships; and the job application and hiring process.

The main purpose of this public wiki is to gather links to useful resources from across the internet. Both students and the instructor will add to it over the course of the term. Other course material can be found on the course Canvas page.

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