< Course:ASIA592/2024W2(Redirected from Course:ASIA592/2023W2/Funding)
General advice and strategies
- Advice for Writing Grant and Fellowship Proposals (Notre Dame; link fixed via the Wayback Machine)
- How to Write Compelling Fellowship Applications (Columbia; link fixed via the Wayback Machine)
- Hot Tips for Scholarship Applications (UBC G&PS; link fixed via the Wayback Machine)
- Graduate Pathways to Success materials and recordings (UBC G&PS; requires CWL)
- Planning and Writing a Grant Proposal: The Basics (UW-Madison; link fixed via the Wayback Machine)
- How to Win a Graduate Fellowship
- From The Professor Is In:
Internal (UBC) funding sources
- Scholarships, Awards & Funding (G&PS)
- UBC Student Financial Assistance and Awards
- Public Scholars Initiative
SSHRC/Canadian funding sources
- Tips for Applying for SSHRC funding (University Affairs)
- SSHRC Resource Centre
- International Scholarships (Government of Canada)
- Funding opportunities at doctoral and postdoctoral levels (Government of Canada, both scholarship and other sources)
- Scholarships Canada
- Canadian Bureau for International Education
- Dr, Edgar Wickberg Prizes (Chinese Canadian Historical Society of B.C.)
- SSHRC Sample Proposal 1 (Retrieved from UBC Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Program)
- SSHRC Sample Proposal 2 (Retrieved from UBC Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Program)
External funding
- From G&PS (
- Scholarships Canada
- International Scholarships - Government of Canada
- Canadian Bureau for International Education
- Student Awards
- Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC)
- Community of Science (COS)
- Funding opportunities to study / research in Germany:
- Other fellowship and grant databases
- The Andrew W. Melon Foundations's Grants Database
- GRAPES (database of graduate funding from UCLA, some available externally)
- Columbia University EALAC Fellowship Opportunities
- Association for Chinese Art History's Grants Database
- External Funding Sources (Dalhousie University)
- Asia-related grant programs (Association for Asian Studies)
- AAS-administered grants
- Wenner-Gren Dissertation Fieldwork Grant
- Chinese studies funding
- Japanese studies funding
- Korean studies funding
- Language programs
- Middlebury Language Schools (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and more)
- Japanese: Kyoto Consortium for Japanese Studies
- Japanese: Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies
- Korean: Inter-University Center for Korean Language Studies at SKKU
- See also Japan Foundation and Korea Foundation
- International Dissertation Research Fellowship (IDRF, For PhD Students in Humanities in USA)
- Asian Cultural Council
- AHRC Midlands4Cities Ph.D. Funding (Contemporary visual culture and arts in the Sinophone sphere)