Course:ASIA592/2023W2/Syllabi and Course Design
- Syllabus Design for Dummies (retrieved from the Wayback Machine)
- DIY Syllabus: What Is a Syllabus Really For, Anyway? (Chronicle Vitae, retrieved from the Wayback Machine)
- The 3 Essential Functions of Your Syllabus Chronicle
- Creating Syllabi (Links to past articles, ProfHacker)
- Estimating Student Workload
- Accessible Syllabus
- Planning a Course with Backward Design
- Syllabus-writing as storytelling University Affairs
- Sample Syllabi (what to put in syllabi submitted with a job application)
- Elena Afros and Catherine F. Schryer, "The Genre of Syllabus in Higher Education", Journal of English for Academic Purposes 8/3 (2009)
- Ken Bain, What the Best College Teachers Do (Book, UBC Library)
- Asian Studies links for educators (Education about Asia, AAS)
- Learning Objectives (links on UBC Wiki)
- Sample Humanities Learning Objectives (Carnegie Mellon)
- Syllabus design boot camp (University Affairs)
- How To Write a Course Proposal for a Job/Postdoc App (TPII)
- Starter Syllabus (Teaching Support and Innovation, University of Oregon)
- Open Syllabus Project
- Syllabi (downloadable samples) (Chronicle Vitae, retrieved from the Wayback Machine)
- Sample Syllabi American Society for Literature and the Environment
- Just Google (search for keywords + "syllabus")!
- South Asian Media syllabi
UBC Resources
- Course Design Institute (CTLT, UBC)
- Curriculum Submission Guide (UBC Senate)
- Writing Learning Outcomes (Faculty of Education)