< Course:ASIA592/2024W2(Redirected from Course:ASIA592/2023W2/Employment)
The Search and Hiring Process
- Academic Jobs Wiki (also job listings, use at your own risk);
- How the Jobs Crisis Has Transformed Faculty Hiring and The Way We Hire Now (Chronicle of Higher Education, 2018)
- How to Get an Academic Job (Chronicle, 2024)
- Academic job search guide, UC Berkeley
- Academic Job Hiring Process, University of Michigan
- Academic Job Search, Stanford
- Karen Kelsky, The Quick and Relatively Painless Guide to Your Academic Job Search
- Preparing for the Job Market, American Historical Association
- Reddit thread on academic hiring process
- Why we need to change the faculty hiring process University Affairs 2021
- The Great Tenure-Track Job Search Show, Chronicle of Higher Education, 2023
- Job Sites for Academics by Paula R. Curtis (Ph.D. Medievalist)(contains useful explanation and general job sites information for East Asian Studies)
- How to Prepare for Job Interviews Outside Academe (Chronicle, 2024)
- Academic Careers You May Not Have Considered, Inside Higher Ed 2018
- Alt-Ac, Post-Ac & Career Diversity: A Humanities Reading List UBC Public Humanities Hub
- HirePhD
Job listings
- Chronicle Job Listings
- University Affairs job search
- Times Higher Ed jobs
- H-ASIA jobs (more generally, see H-NET job guide)
- American Academy Religion job listings (Members only)
- Association for Asian Studies Job Board (Members only)
- Modern Languages Association Job List (see also the MLA site, with information about past years)
- American Historical Association Career Center job list
- Chinese Language Teachers Association jobs
- Academic Positions in Korean Studies
- UBC Job listings UBC HR
- UBC Student & Alumni Job Board
- SFU Careers
- East Asia-related Job Market Data in Progress (2023-2024)(contains job listing in East Asia, previous years' tables can be achieved through this website)
- The American Oriental Society job listings
Conditions of Employment, Adjuncting, etc.
- Research and Resources from New Faculty Majority
- On the Teaching Tenure Track: What to know about becoming a “teaching professor,” an increasingly common faculty position at large universities Chronicle of Higher Education, 2023
- Becoming Prof 2.0
- UBC Postdoc Opportunities
- GRAPES (UCLA) Funding Database
- H-Net Postdoc Listings
- Inside Higher Ed listings
- Times Higher Ed listings
- How to get a postdoc (from a UofT European medieval studies prof, 2016)