This category has been created to house all the cIRcle wiki pages.
This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total.
- Circle Archive (77 pages, 291 files)
- Circle Projects (7 pages)
- Circle Website (9 pages, 6 files)
- From the Ground Up (7 pages, 48 files)
Pages in category "Circle"
The following 21 pages are in this category, out of 21 total.
Media in category "Circle"
The following 124 files are in this category, out of 124 total.
- 018201-blue-white-pearl-icon-symbols-shapes-check-in-box.png 512 × 512; 70 KB
- 026128-blue-white-pearl-icon-culture-world1.png 512 × 512; 85 KB
- 070085-blue-white-pearl-icon-alphanumeric-exclamation-point1.png 512 × 512; 64 KB
- 070195-blue-white-pearl-icon-alphanumeric-question-mark3.png 512 × 512; 69 KB
- 079519-blue-white-pearl-icon-business-envelope5.png 512 × 512; 72 KB
- 079575-blue-white-pearl-icon-business-light-on.png 512 × 512; 75 KB
- 079620-blue-white-pearl-icon-business-printer.png 512 × 512; 68 KB
- 091272-blue-white-pearl-icon-signs-nosign.png 512 × 512; 80 KB
- 1 2015 thesis Register.png 1,197 × 730; 640 KB
- 1. Test-Register-buttons-annot.png 1,262 × 696; 481 KB
- 10 2015 nonthesis duplicates.png 1,190 × 683; 58 KB
- 10 2015 thesis review submission.png 1,180 × 1,135; 97 KB
- 11 2015 nonthesis Review submission.png 1,173 × 1,245; 95 KB
- 11 2015 thesis creative commons license.png 1,187 × 985; 88 KB
- 12 2015 thesis license complete submission.png 1,174 × 1,063; 99 KB
- 13 2015 thesis submission complete.png 470 × 314; 34 KB
- 2013-03-25 MetaEdit complete.png 766 × 775; 40 KB
- 2013-03-25 MetaEdit date.png 818 × 713; 40 KB
- 2013-03-25 MetaEdit Navigation.png 770 × 177; 7 KB
- 2013-08-19 ETD creativecommonslicense.png 991 × 648; 61 KB
- 2013-08-19 ETD selectedcreativecommonslicense 2.5.png 976 × 677; 62 KB
- 2013-09-24 1217 Upload a file.png 980 × 778; 63 KB
- 2015 12 09 Claim task.JPG 901 × 658; 99 KB
- 2015-12-03 Edit collection arrow.JPG 898 × 769; 126 KB
- 2015-12-03 Edit collection make changes.JPG 1,084 × 769; 103 KB
- 2015-12-03 Edit collection Save updates.JPG 805 × 230; 23 KB
- 2015-12-09 Actions.JPG 669 × 180; 34 KB
- 2015-12-09 Add edit submitters.JPG 900 × 666; 101 KB
- 2015-12-09 Add new metadata return.JPG 890 × 683; 80 KB
- 2015-12-09 Assign roles.JPG 903 × 762; 85 KB
- 2015-12-09 Edit item.JPG 902 × 739; 117 KB
- 2015-12-09 Item metadata.JPG 1,084 × 773; 116 KB
- 2015-12-09 Locate item.JPG 1,080 × 772; 146 KB
- 2015-12-09 Logout.JPG 900 × 689; 80 KB
- 2015-12-09 No Results.JPG 900 × 745; 105 KB
- 2015-12-09 Note changes.JPG 897 × 688; 85 KB
- 2015-12-09 Reject Item.JPG 764 × 424; 55 KB
- 2015-12-09 Select collection edit.JPG 903 × 760; 85 KB
- 2015-12-09 Take Task.JPG 668 × 772; 158 KB
- 2016-17 cIRcle Impact Report.pdf ; 1.27 MB
- 2017 CATs choose file.PNG 960 × 824; 198 KB
- 2017 CATs circlelicense.PNG 1,051 × 800; 480 KB
- 2017 CATs collection.png 1,025 × 521; 73 KB
- 2017 CATs complete.png 1,184 × 664; 42 KB
- 2017 CATs describe item 2.PNG 1,025 × 671; 169 KB
- 2017 CATs describe item.PNG 1,196 × 1,008; 74 KB
- 2017 CATs review submission.PNG 877 × 824; 147 KB
- 2017 CATs TermsofAccess.PNG 1,194 × 677; 82 KB
- 2017-10-24 item metadata update OC.jpg 1,504 × 868; 218 KB
- 3 2015 thesis login method arrow.png 1,199 × 756; 77 KB
- 3 2015 thesis login method.png 1,199 × 756; 72 KB
- 4 2015 thesis submissions.png 1,199 × 755; 97 KB
- 5 2015 thesis start new submission.png 1,199 × 757; 59 KB
- 6 Describe Item 2018.png 939 × 806; 193 KB
- 7 2015 nonthesis item description 2.png 1,200 × 1,787; 151 KB
- 8 2015 nonthesis upload files.png 1,168 × 913; 77 KB
- 9 2015 nonthesis Upload Add Another.png 1,188 × 1,126; 98 KB
- Article Versions Graphic.png 1,024 × 515; 44 KB
- CIRcle 01 Register buttons.png 1,270 × 696; 488 KB
- CIRcle 02 Login Buttons.png 1,270 × 696; 485 KB
- CIRcle 03 Login method.png 979 × 336; 41 KB
- CIRcle 04 Submissions.png 1,271 × 872; 160 KB
- CIRcle 05 Start submission.png 1,271 × 526; 60 KB
- CIRcle 06 CAT Select collection.png 1,275 × 642; 53 KB
- CIRcle 06 CAT-Select-Collection-annot 01.png 1,269 × 640; 74 KB
- CIRcle 06 ETD Select Collection.png 1,272 × 643; 50 KB
- CIRcle 07 CAT Describe 1.png 1,167 × 928; 84 KB
- CIRcle 07 CAT-DescribeItem1-annot.png 1,132 × 919; 119 KB
- CIRcle 07 ETD Describe 1.png 1,045 × 867; 71 KB
- CIRcle 08 CAT Describe 2.png 1,173 × 874; 80 KB
- CIRcle 08 ETD Describe 2.png 1,051 × 783; 71 KB
- CIRcle 09 CAT Upload files.png 961 × 895; 90 KB
- CIRcle 09 CAT-Upload-files-annot.png 958 × 894; 120 KB
- CIRcle 09 ETD Upload files.png 1,078 × 842; 83 KB
- CIRcle 10 CAT Review submission.png 801 × 830; 68 KB
- CIRcle 10 CAT-Review-Submission-annot.png 794 × 817; 90 KB
- CIRcle 10 ETD Review submission.png 961 × 886; 70 KB
- CIRcle 10 ETD Submission review.png 955 × 882; 94 KB
- CIRcle 11 CAT Terms of access.png 1,130 × 587; 95 KB
- CIRcle 11 ETD License terms.png 1,256 × 827; 101 KB
- CIRcle 12 License agreement.png 973 × 616; 72 KB
- CIRcle 13 Submission complete.png 1,256 × 349; 35 KB
- CIRcle Content Proposal Form.pdf ; 121 KB
- CIRCLE ETD USER GUIDE 2012.pdf ; 839 KB
- CIRcle Impact Report 2020-2021.pdf ; 480 KB
- CIRcle ImpactReport 2019-2020.pdf ; 565 KB
- CIRcle License 3.0.png 960 × 696; 190 KB
- CIRcle Logo.png 278 × 142; 9 KB
- CIRcle Metadata Manual 2022-02-03.pdf ; 1.14 MB
- CopyrightcIRcle AuthorsGuide.pdf ; 121 KB
- FROGBEAR Metadata Template section screenshot 2021-06-22.png 1,271 × 477; 50 KB
- Hall emperor frogbear database.png 1,380 × 626; 119 KB
- HallOfJadeEmperoer image metadata stitched.jpg 949 × 1,451; 229 KB
- Hallofjadeemperor OC 1.png 949 × 743; 647 KB
- Hallofjadeemperor OC 2.png 948 × 707; 39 KB
- Hallofjadeemperorphoto1.jpg 4,288 × 2,848; 2.35 MB
- Item Mapping-2011-03-21.pdf ; 719 KB
- Madni Author Proof Example.pdf ; 338 KB
- OneDrive.png 477 × 435; 17 KB
- OpenPolicy screenshot 2 2024-11.jpg 866 × 790; 75 KB
- OpenPolicy screenshot 2024-11.jpg 837 × 875; 100 KB
- OpenPolicy screenshot JCCAP 1 2024-11.jpg 763 × 867; 87 KB
- OpenPolicy screenshot JCCAP 2 2024-11.jpg 719 × 753; 70 KB
- Scarp supervisor email course code upload 2020-11-24.png 886 × 636; 261 KB
- Scarp text attributes 2020-11-24.png 837 × 273; 47 KB
- Screen Shot 2019-06-06 at 9.40.59 AM.png 887 × 716; 144 KB
- Sherpa JournalURL.jpg 987 × 701; 85 KB
- SherpaRomeo2.png 1,760 × 632; 87 KB