Making Your Pages More Specific
Hi Lydia,
Thanks for using the UBC Wiki - I've talked with Zack briefly about the CTLT resource project and it sounds like a great use of the wiki. As part of the Wiki Gardening Project, we're trying to organize the wiki and I wanted to make some suggestions about your recently created pages.
First, I think it would be useful if you could give them more specific titles. For example, your new page Lecture Notes is very vague and could apply to a lot of topics (is it a page about lecture notes for a class, is it about the topic of lecture notes itself, is is someone's personal lecture notes, etc). As a random wiki user who might want to contribute to that page, I'm not sure what info I should or could add to it. You can make it easier for users through a more specific title (something like "Using Lecture Notes in Teaching and Learning").
Another good idea would be to have an intro sentence or paragraph that explains the page (something like "Lecture notes can be useful tool in teaching and learning. This page lists resources tools, and a bibliography for learning more about this topic" ). That way, a user understands the purpose of the page.
Finally, it would be worthwhile to create a project home page which could be used to list and explain the topic. Then each page that is related in the topic could related back to that project home page. You might check out EconHelp or MathHelp as good examples of how this organizational model could work.
Please let me know if that makes sense or if I could provide further info or answer any questions.