Immigration as a positive contributor survey question

Immigration as a positive contributor survey question

Hey guys and gals, this possible question might seem a tad too blunt or general, but what do you all think about this question regarding immigration:

"Do you agree that Immigration is a positive contributor to Canadian society and the economy as a whole?"

The answers would be "Agree" and "Disagree".

This question would tell us the prevailing notion of the public regarding the issue of immigration. Specifically, it gives us a general idea of the percentage of the people who think that immigration is a good thing for the economy and the country.

JeromeVerzosa23:07, 26 January 2011

Hello everyone,

Jerome-Maybe dividing the question to form two would be better. The question of the contribution to society and to the economy may not go hand in hand for people since this is an ongoing debate maybe it would be better to divide them. We would have to better define society as a whole I think maybe figuring out some components outside of the economy e.g.The Arts or intercultural understanding that immigrants could contribute to so that we could determine overall whether immigration is positive.

Do you believe immigration is a positive contirbutor to the Canadian economy? 1.strongly agree 2.agree 3.somewhat agree 4. disagree 5.strongly disagree

Some other suggested questions that could help paint a paint a picture o Do you believe immigration has improved intercultural understanding within Canadian society? Do you believe the Canadian Immigration policy is "open" (non-discriminatory) Do you feel that Canadian immigration is too lenient/strict

RUDOMUGWAGWA03:47, 31 January 2011

Hey guys. To continue with Rudo's attempt at dividing up Jerome's double barreled question, I like Rudo's question on the economy ("Do you believe immigration is a positive contirbutor to the Canadian economy? ..."), and I think that the concept of "multiculturalism" touches a lot of "components outside of the economy". Thus, maybe we should ask a second question of:

Do you believe that the policy of multiculturalism is a positive contributor to Canadian society? 1.strongly agree 2.agree 3.somewhat agree 4. disagree 5.strongly disagree

Lastly, if we ask a question like "Do you feel that Canadian immigration is too lenient/strict?" then, similarly to what I said about Leyla's proposal in the thread title "Foreign Investment", we need to be aware of when and where this question is placed because of how we may "turn on" or make pertinent certain beliefs of our interviewees that we don't necessarily want to since this may affect later questions that we would prefer the interviewee to consider with a more neutral mindset.

PawelMirski05:26, 5 February 2011

Hey all,

Just wanted to know your thoughts on the placement of questions...Which topic/question do you suggest we start with? I ask this because depending on how we start the survey, it may end up influencing/directing the respondent's answers in a particular direction. For instance, if we start of with "Immigration as a positive contributor survey question", the respondent may automatically adopt the idea that immigration is positive and so answer accordingly.

Let me know what you think:)

AmanMann22:32, 5 February 2011

Hey everyone,

First of all, thanks to Rudo and Pawel for suggesting that we split up my initial question into two or more. I think that's a much better way of approaching the issue and allows us to see what kind of reasoning a respondent may have regarding his/her views on immigration.

Pawel and Aman make excellent points regarding the placement and timing of questions. Poor timing and placement could make a respondent too predisposed towards a certain viewpoint.

I agree that we probably shouldn't start with a question like "Are you in favour of greater/lesser immigration..." etc...

JeromeVerzosa23:50, 7 February 2011