Immigration as a positive contributor survey question

Hello everyone,

Jerome-Maybe dividing the question to form two would be better. The question of the contribution to society and to the economy may not go hand in hand for people since this is an ongoing debate maybe it would be better to divide them. We would have to better define society as a whole I think maybe figuring out some components outside of the economy e.g.The Arts or intercultural understanding that immigrants could contribute to so that we could determine overall whether immigration is positive.

Do you believe immigration is a positive contirbutor to the Canadian economy? 1.strongly agree 2.agree 3.somewhat agree 4. disagree 5.strongly disagree

Some other suggested questions that could help paint a paint a picture o Do you believe immigration has improved intercultural understanding within Canadian society? Do you believe the Canadian Immigration policy is "open" (non-discriminatory) Do you feel that Canadian immigration is too lenient/strict

RUDOMUGWAGWA03:47, 31 January 2011