Immigration as a positive contributor survey question

Hey guys. To continue with Rudo's attempt at dividing up Jerome's double barreled question, I like Rudo's question on the economy ("Do you believe immigration is a positive contirbutor to the Canadian economy? ..."), and I think that the concept of "multiculturalism" touches a lot of "components outside of the economy". Thus, maybe we should ask a second question of:

Do you believe that the policy of multiculturalism is a positive contributor to Canadian society? 1.strongly agree 2.agree 3.somewhat agree 4. disagree 5.strongly disagree

Lastly, if we ask a question like "Do you feel that Canadian immigration is too lenient/strict?" then, similarly to what I said about Leyla's proposal in the thread title "Foreign Investment", we need to be aware of when and where this question is placed because of how we may "turn on" or make pertinent certain beliefs of our interviewees that we don't necessarily want to since this may affect later questions that we would prefer the interviewee to consider with a more neutral mindset.

PawelMirski05:26, 5 February 2011