Course:POLI380JAN2011Owen/Survey/Immigration--Issue of Admission

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Topic: == Immigration -- Issues of admission (such as immigration rate, refugee policies, types of immigrants accepted, etc) ==

Reminder: Write properly structured questions, including simple text for response options. Use the discussion tab above for discussion of advantages and disadvantages of particular questions and their wording.

Contributors: 1. Anita Yu 2. Yang Han 3. Aman Mann 4. Emily Leung 5.Amrit Sanghe 6.Rudo Mugwagwa 7.Wendy Hsu 8. Dana Windover 9. Leo Abramoff 10. Jerome Verzosa 11. Jaime Robb 12. Leyla Javadova 13. Mike Dickson 14. Pawel Mirski 15.

Hi all, it appears that most of us have drifted away from this page since reading break started. Below, I will paste the questions from our discussion page and hopefully, you will agree with the questions that we have come up with. AnitaYu 11:41, 16 February 2011 (PST)

Q1) Do you think that the Canadian Government should give priority mostly to immigrants who are able to invest financially into the country? Answers: 1. Yes 2. No

Q2) Do you believe immigration is a positive contributor to the Canadian economy? Answers: 1.strongly agree 2.agree 3.somewhat agree 4. disagree 5.strongly disagree

Q3) Do you believe that the policy of multiculturalism in response to immigration is a positive contributor to Canadian society? Answers: 1.strongly agree 2.agree 3.somewhat agree 4. disagree 5.strongly disagree

Q4) Currently, Canada accepts 240,000-265,000 immigrants each year, which corresponds to 0.69%-0.76% of the Canadian population. Is this number: Answers: 1.Too high 2.Too low 3.About right

Q5) Which of the following types of immigrants should be given priority to immigrate to Canada? Answers: 1.Family Class 2.Economic Class 3.Refugees/Asylum Seekers 4.Prefer not to answer AnitaYu 11:41, 16 February 2011 (PST)