
From UBC Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Suggestions023:40, 6 April 2015
Practical Suggestions 003:28, 9 March 2015
Formatting021:57, 26 November 2014


Hi there! I really enjoyed reading your page as this is a topic I found to be super interesting! I liked how you looked at how different cultures perceive health and illness differently and how being ill has different implications and possibly stigma's based on what culture you are from. However, I would suggest adding in more detail in each section as in some parts I was left with wanting to know more about how it ties into your topic of health (also I just wanted to know more because this was an interesting topic). As well if you narrowed your topic it may of been effective in providing more depth and detail into your page. Overall you have a great page and I really enjoyed reading it!

LeahOsterbauer (talk)23:40, 6 April 2015

Practical Suggestions

You have a fascinating topic, and I would suggest you take advantage of that. To make this wiki page relevant to the class, I would suggest you add a section on the Canadian Health Care System, and perhaps the inequalities in Canadian Health Care and Health. This could include sub-sections such as “Race/ Ancestry and Health”, “Gender and Health”, “Sexual Orientation and Health”, and “Social Class and Health”. Also, you might also want to consider adding a section on “Globalization and Health” which could include Growing Global Inequality (Disease, Malnutrition, etc.), Borderless Diseases (HIV/AIDS, Malaria, Tuberculosis, Avian Flu, etc.), and also improvements in health and health care.

Since our first module of this class was “Constructions of Health and Illness in the Western World”, I particularly enjoyed the sections “Health and Social Constructivism” and “Relationship between Health and Culture”, by including what we learned, such as the instability and historical contingency of the terms health and illness, though you can build on these by incorporating “how our understandings and experiences of 'health' and 'illness' are embedded in their cultural contexts and enmeshed with issues of gender, national and racial identity, technology, consumption, and social change” (Class Module).

I was a little confused about the use of the word “Health” and “Wellness” in your introduction, which are used interchangeably. According to the World Health Organization’s definitions, the two words having completely different meanings. The link for citation “Future Implications” is non-functional. On the whole, you have a great intriguing wiki entry, and because of this, I highly recommend you add links to other wiki entries or exterior websites for further information. Overall, awesome job! :)

ZainabAhmed (talk)03:26, 9 March 2015


Hello! Cool topic! I like your sections and the way that you've split up your information, but I feel that this page sounded a bit like an essay with an intro, some points, and a conclusion or discussion. In a wiki page, I believe it is supposed to sound more factual rather than a discussion or argument. I hope you get what I mean! Maybe you can make each title like "Intro", "Social Constructionism", "Culture and Illness", etc, which is what you have in your paragraphs, but maybe make those the title instead, and then talk about what those are.

CarmenLee (talk)21:57, 26 November 2014