Self Managed
The following plugins are available for you to activate and deactivate. You need to follow these steps.
- Login to your site
- Go to Dashboard -> Tools -> Plugins
- Activate or Deactivate the desired plugin
Add Meta Tags
Add basic meta tags and also Opengraph, Microdata, Twitter Cards and Dublin Core metadata to optimize your web site for better SEO.
by George Notaras | Visit plugin site
Add Multiple Users From Network
Choose the site from where you want to add users from; useful for site migration since you no longer need to add the user by email and then wait for her/him to click a link confirming the invite.
By Enej, CTLT-dev
Author Avatars List
Display lists of user avatars using widgets or shortcodes.
By Paul Bearne, Benedikt Forchhammer | Visit plugin site
Content Scheduler
has been removed
Set Posts and Pages to automatically expire. Upon expiration, delete, change categories, status, or unstick posts. Also notify admin and author of expiration.
By Paul Kaiser | Visit plugin site
Custom CSS
Lets you add custom css to your web site
By CTLT DEV | Visit plugin site
Custom CSS Meta Box
Abiliy to place custom CSS on individual pages and posts. Once enabled a custom text box will apear on page and post write panels and the custom CSS will be written in the Head of the HTML document.
by CTLT Dev
Custom JavaScript Meta Box
Abiliy to place custom JavaScript on individual pages and posts. Once enabled a custom text box will apear on page and post write panels and the custom JavaScript will be written at the bottom of the HTML document.
by CTLT Dev
Easy FancyBox
Easily enable the FancyBox jQuery extension on all image, SWF, PDF, YouTube, Dailymotion and Vimeo links. Also supports iFrame and inline content.
By RavanH | Visit plugin site
Enable Media Replace
Enable replacing media files by uploading a new file in the "Edit Media" section of the WordPress Media Library.
By Mans Jonasson | Visit plugin site
Evaluate is a wordpress plugin that adds options for user interaction to your site. You can create metrics for users or admins to rate content on your site. Such as Likes, Up/Down Votes, 5-Star ratings and polls.
By Enej Bajgoric / Devindra Payment / CTLT | Visit plugin site
Event Organiser
Creates a custom post type 'events' with features such as reoccurring events, venues, Google Maps, calendar views and events and venue pages
Version 2.7.5 by Stephen Harris | Visit plugin site
Feed Cache
This plugin allows administrator of a WordPress site to set the RSS feed cache duration.
Feed Key Generator
has been removed
Protect feeds of private sites/blogs with feed keys.
By Aleksandar Arsovski / CTLT Dev | Visit plugin site
Full Width CLF
Full Width of CLF 7.0 as according to UBC CLF requirements. Once activated, alignment options available in Theme Options
by Michael Kam
Global Javascript
Allows the creation and editing of Javascript on Wordpress powered sites
by Julien Law, CTLT
Google Analytics for WordPress
has been removed, replaced by mu-enabled version - Settings->Google Analytics
Track your WordPress site easily and with lots of metadata: views per author & category, automatic tracking of outbound clicks and pageviews.
By joostdevalk | Visit plugin site
Gravity Forms
Easily create web forms and manage form entries within the WordPress admin.
By Rocketgenius Inc. | Visit plugin site
Gravity Forms Mass Import
Allows mass import of form entries derived from CSV files.
By Aryan Duntley | Visit plugin site
History Tracker
Tracks the history the users visit and displays it to them, like a browsing history
By CTLT Dev | Visit plugin site
Logged in AND Logged out Shortcodes
Adds the ability to display content specifically to loggedin users and loggedout users
by UBC CMS, Enej
Loop Shortcode
A [loop] shortcode plugin.
Kimili Flash Embed
Provides a full Wordpress interface for SWFObject - the best way to embed Flash on your site.
By Michael Bester | Visit plugin site
Mail From
Change the default address that WordPress sends it's email from.
By Andrew Hamilton | Visit plugin site
MCE Table Buttons
Add buttons for table editing to the WordPress WYSIWYG editor with this very light weight plug-in.
By Jake Goldman | Visit plugin site
Moderation Notify Author
Activate this plugin to automatically notify the author of a comment moderation request (in addition to the admin of the blog). Based on the plugin by Mark Ghosh
By Ajay D'Souza | Visit plugin site
More Template Tag Shortcodes
Adds even more simple shortcode that can be used in posts and pages
Plugin to hide Visual/HTML Tab for Pages/Posts WYSIWYG (TinyMCE) for all roles except administrator.
Page Links To
Allows you to point WordPress pages or posts to a URL of your choosing. Good for setting up navigational links to non-WP sections of your site or to off-site resources.
by Mark Jaquith | Visit plugin site
People Lists
Plugin providing a rich text editor on the profile page for easy modifications of specific user profile.
By Gagan Sandhu / Enej Bajgoric / CTLT DEV | Visit plugin site
Profile CCT
This plugin allows for management of advanced user profiles with a lot of customizability. A successor to People Lists.
By Enej Bajgoric / Devindra Payment / Eric Jackish / Aleksandar Arsovski / CTLT | Visit plugin site
Pulse CPT
Enables a widget that allows comments (called pulses) to be posted on any page of the site. Integrates with Stream, Evaluate, and Co Author+ to bring additional functionality to the comment stream.
By Enej Bajgoric / Devindra Payment / CTLT | Visit plugin site
Query Multiple Taxonomies
Filter posts through multiple custom taxonomies using a widget.
by scribu | Visit plugin site
Query Multiple Taxonomies Shortcode
A shortcode for the Query Multiple Taxonomies Plugin developed by Cristi Burcă (scribu)
by ctlt
has been removed as it was absorbed into Jetpack
The most super duper sharing tool on the interwebs.
By Automattic, Inc. | Visit plugin site
Strictly TweetBot
Allows you to post messages to multiple twitter accounts when new articles are added. Options to reformat the messages and use post tags and categories as hash tags automatically.
By Rob Reid | Visit plugin site
Subscribe To Comments
Allows readers to receive notifications of new comments that are posted to an entry. Based on version 1 from Scriptygoddess
By Mark Jaquith | Visit plugin site
Tag Drop Down List Shortcode
This plugin creates the shortcode [dropdown_tag_list] for generating a tag dropdown list. No parameter is necessary.
By Michael Ha / CTLT DEV
Text Hover
Add hover text to regular text in posts. Handy for providing explanations of names, terms, phrases, and acronyms mentioned in posts/pages.
By coffee2code | Visit plugin site
TinyMCE Advanced
Enables advanced features and plugins in TinyMCE, the visual editor in WordPress.
By Andrew Ozz | Visit plugin site
Twitter Tracker
Tracks the search results on Twitter search in a sidebar widget.
By Simon Wheatley | Visit plugin site
UBC CLF Whitney webfont
Add CLF Whitney webfont CSS request. Note: Required registration. Please sign up on UBC Brand website.
By Michael Kam
UBC Courses
Allows your site to use to list UBC Courses and sections with data from UBC Calendar.
By multiple | Visit plugin site
Use Google Libraries
Allows your site to use common javascript libraries from Google's AJAX Libraries CDN, rather than from WordPress's own copies.
By jczorkmid | Visit plugin site
Viper's Video Quicktags
Easily embed videos from various video websites such as YouTube, DailyMotion, and Vimeo into your posts.
By Viper007Bond | Visit plugin site
WP Dash Message
Add a welcome message dashboard widget and remove any WordPress dashboard widgets with this plugin.
Aleksandar Arsovski / Enej Bajgoric / CTLT DEV | Visit plugin site
Adds a more advanced paging navigation to your WordPress blog
By Lester 'GaMerZ' Chan & scribu | Visit plugin site
Integrates reCAPTCHA anti-spam solutions with wordpress
By Jorge Peña | Visit plugin site
CMS Managed
There are also a few plugins that we don't let users enabled themselves. Please get in touch with us to have us enable them for you.
Robust tools for managing hierarchical page content in WordPress. Ideal for blogs with large page counts.
By ntk, mgburns, Gregory Cornelius, J. Tyler Wiest | Visit Plugin site
BU Section Editing
Allows for group permissions and creating page specific permissions. Requires BU Navigation to apply groups permissions to hierarchical content(pages).
By mgburns and Gregory Cornelius | Visit plugin site
Cookie Redirect
Helps you redirect users to a particular place by setting the appropriate cookies.
Display Links by Category
A simple shortcode plugin for displaying links by category through custom fields.
By Aleksandar Arsovski / CTLT DEV | Visit plugin site
simple and flexible Atom/RSS syndication for WordPress
by Charles Johnson | Visit plugin site
Gravity Forms for Editor
Enabling Gravity Forms for Editor
By Michael Ha
Subscribe2 provides a comprehensive subscription management and email notification system for WordPress blogs that sends email notifications to a list of subscribers when you publish new content to your blog.
By MattyRob, Skippy, RavanH | Visit plugin site
Adds an AJAX poll system to your WordPress blog/site. You can also easily add a poll into your WordPress's post/page.
By GamerZ | Visit plugin site
WP-Table Reloaded
- This plugin has been deprecated
WP-Table Reloaded enables you to create and manage tables, without having to write HTML code, and it adds valuable functions for your visitors.
By TobiasBg | Visit plugin site
TablePress is the successor to WP-Table Reloaded it has been rewritten to be faster and easier to use. TablePress enables you to create and manage tables, without having to write HTML code, and it adds valuable functions for your visitors.
By TobiasBg | Visit plugin site
Also available is the DataTables TableTools extension. This extension adds the ability add buttons for each table to copy, print, save as csv, excel or print.
By TobiasBg | Visit the extension site