Documentation:Flipped Classroom
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- Bates, S., Galloway, R. (2013). The inverted classroom in a large enrolment introductory physics course: a case study. Proc. HEA STEM Conf.
- Bergmann, J. & Sams, A. (2012). Flip your classroom: Reach every student in every class every day. Washington, DC: International Society for Technology in Education.
In this book the authors explain the process and implementation of a flipped classroom.
- Bowyer, K. (2012). A model of student workload. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 34(3), 239-258.
- Brown, A. F. (2012). A phenomenological study of undergraduate instructors using the inverted or flipped classroom model. ProQuest, UMI Dissertations Publishing).
- Chambers, E. (1992). Work-load and the quality of student learning. Studies in Higher Education, 17(2), 141-53.
- Fulton, K. (2012). Upside down and inside out: Flip your classroom to improve student learning. Learning & Leading with Technology, 39(8), 12-17.
- Kember, D. (2004). Interpreting student workload and the factors which shape students' perceptions of their workload. Studies in Higher Education, 29(2), 165-184.
- Kyndt, E., Dochy, F., Struyven, K., & Cascallar, E. (2011). The perception of workload and task complexity and its influence on students’ approaches to learning: A study in higher education. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 26(3), 393-415.
- Lockwood, F. (1999). Estimating student workload: Implications for quality learning. Staff and Educational Development International, 3(3), 281-89.
- Marlowe, C. A. (2012). The effect of the flipped classroom on student achievement and stress. (Master of Science, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT).
- Marsh, H. W. (2001). Distinguishing between good (useful) and bad workloads on students' evaluations of teaching. American Educational Research Journal, 38(1), 183-212.
- Millard, E. (2012). 5 reasons flipped classrooms work: Turning lectures into homework to boost student engagement and increase technology-fueled creativity. University Business, 15(11), 26.
- Sams, A., & Bergmann, J. (2013). Flip your students' learning. ALEXANDRIA: ASSOC SUPERVISION CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT.
- Strayer, J. F. (2012). How learning in an inverted classroom influences cooperation, innovation and task orientation. Learning Environments Research, 15(2), 171-193.
- Wilson, S. G. (2013). The flipped class: A method to address the challenges of an undergraduate statistics course. Teaching of Psychology, 40(3), 193-199.
Online Resources
- Restad, P.(2013).“I Don’t Like This One Little Bit.” Tales from a Flipped Classroom. Faculty Focus: Higher Ed Teaching Strategies from Magna Publications.
- Graphic poster about the Flipped Classroom
See Also
- Flipped Lab Flipped Classroom Resources
- Flipped classroom and student workload (Teaching and learning)
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