Documentation:Course Design Intensive/Participants/June 2017
Welcome to the Spring 2017 session of the CDI!
Please note that the facilitators will be tweaking the design of the next CDI up until a few days before the offering. The information below is to give you the gist of what we plan to do. Check back closer to the date of the next offering for a version of the plan that will be closer to what we'll be working from.
This is the central hub for accessing the resources you will need for each day of the session. You can download the 3 day schedule here.
Learning Outcomes
Learning outcomes will (in part) be informed by your participation in the CDI. As a place to start (and to guide our planning), we propose outcomes for the session and for each day.
Working Docs
We'll be using the following two documents as guides during the three days of the CDI. You can choose to access these guides in whatever way works best for you.
If you use google docs, you may want to copy the following guides to your google space so that you can edit directly on the document.
- 3 Column Course Planning Doc:
- Course Design Working Doc:
If you don’t use google docs, here are the docs in DocX (Word):
We will have a few print copies on hand during the CDI for those who prefer hand written notes.
Pre-Work for Day 1
- Readings:
- Allen, D. & Tanner, K (2007). Putting the Horse Back in Front of the Cart: Using Visions and Decisions about High-Quality Learning Experiences to Drive Course Design CBE Life Sciences Education
- Davidovitch, N. (2013) Learning Centered Teaching and Backward Course Design. pdf
- Weimer, M. (2012) Five Characteristics of Learner-Centered Teaching
- (optional) Fink, D. (2007) The Power of Course Design to Increase Student Engagement and Learning
- Video Backwards Design: * Backwards Design Video Note: most relevant, up to 4 mins 42 seconds.
- Prep document: Planning Your Course Pre-Considerations
- Note: If you use Google docs, please open this link: Planning Your Course: Things to Consider and make a copy of the document to work on it directly.
- If you don't use Google docs, please print or download the following docx and do your pre-work by hand: Planning Your Course: Things to Consider Docx
Wiki: Daily Resources
When using this resource, please attribute as follows: developed by the University of British Columbia.