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Lecture 18

Readings For This Lecture

Keshet Course Notes:

  • Chapter 8, pages 157 to 161 (up to subsection 8.4)


Group 12: Add a summary of the lecture in this space. Include examples, discussion, and links to external sources, if desired.


1. Consider a function defined on some interval . The median of is defined to be the value of the independent variable, , say , which splits the area under between and into two equal portions, i.e. such that


Use this definition to find the median of .

2. Under the same setup as question 1, find the median of .

3. The figure below shows the result of an experiment with three groups of people. In each group, every person was asked to throw a ball. The distance was recorded. The probability of throwing a given distance is shown for each of the groups . Compare the average (mean) distance thrown in the three groups. Compare the median distances thrown in the three cases.

Figure8 7.png

4. Consider the two probability density functions and on the interval . Find the value for the constant in each case so that the probability distribution is normalized (i.e. the total probability is 1). Find the average value (mean) for both of these functions. Find the median for each distribution.

Figure8 11.png

5. Consider the uniform probability distribution . Find the value of the constant . Compute the mean and the median of the distribution.

Figure8 12.png


C = 1/(b-a)

Because the distribution is symmetrical, the mean and the median are (a+b)/2.