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Faculty of Science
Department of Mathematics
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Math Solvers

Assignment 4

The assignment can be found here.


The assignment solutions can be found here.

Discussion, Questions, and Comments

Feel free to use this space to discuss the assignment. Ask questions, or answer questions posted by classmates. Remember that this is not a place to post full solutions to assignment problems.

Dr. Christou, can you please give me a hint on how to approach numbers 2 and 7 on this assignment? I am kind of lost. Thank you.

For problem 2,the necessary formula was described in class. There is no way to solve for the variable n when equating this formula to 1/2, so you have to resort to plugging in values of n until you get the right answer. For question 7, all you need is the expected value formula. The table at the end of the assignment provides you with the values you need to fill in the formula. The rest is computation.

Thank you. For the probability p(x) do I just use the percentages/100 correct? and for number 2 I forgotten which formula it it 365!/(365-n)!(365^n) ?

Correct. in both cases.