Grading Scheme ASTR 406
5% E&M Tutorial
10% Unit 1 Tutorial
15% Unit 2 Midterm
50% final exam on the entire course
20% homework assignments (four in total for 5% each)
Grading Scheme ASTR 506
10% literature review presentation
5% E&M Tutorial
5% Unit 1 Tutorial
10% Unit 2 Midterm
50% final exam on the entire course
20% homework assignments (four in total for 5% each)
Tentative Schedule
12-14 September: Introduction and Radiative Transfer
14 September: Tutorial on Relativity and Electrodynamics (1h and complete at home)
19-21 September: Radiation from Moving Charges (2h)
21 September: Bremsstrahlung (1h) Pencast
26-28 September: Synchrotron radiation (2h)
28 September: Inverse Compton Scattering
30 September: Homework Assignment One Due
3-5 October: Gas Dynamics (3h)
10,17 October: Shocks, Particle acceleration (3h)
12 October: No class
19 October: Unit 1 Tutorial (up and including to 17 October,1h)
19-24 October: Polytropes and Lane-Emden Equation: NS and WD structure (2h); Chapter 4 of Stellar-Astrophysics Notes and Chapter 4 of Shapiro and Teukolsky
26-31 October: Neutron Stars (2h); Stars in GR and Chapter 9 of Shapiro and Teukolsky Introduction to Neutron Stars
2 November: WD and NS Cooling (1h); Chapter 4 of Shapiro and Teukolsky; Chapter 11 of Shapiro and Teukolsky
4 November: Homework Assignment Two Due
7 November: Rotation Powered Neutron Stars (1h)
9,9.1, 23 November: Black Holes (2h); Black Holes in GR; Chapter 12 of Shapiro and Teukolsky; A Cursory Introduction to GR I; A Cursory Introduction to GR II; Some Solved Problems in GR
14, 16 November: No class
21 November: Unit 2 Midterm (24 October - 9 November)
25 November: Homework Assignment Three Due
28 November: Accretion Disks , Spherical Accretion (1h)
30 November: Accretion onto Neutron Stars and White Dwarfs (2h) Chapter 15 of Shapiro and Teukolsky More Accretion Notes
5 December: Gravitational Radiation; Chapter 16 of Shapiro and Teukolsky (1.5h)
7 December: Gamma-Ray Bursts (1.5h)
9 December: Homework Assignment Four Due
13 December: Final Exam (BUCH B313 - 8:30am-11:00am)