Re: Collapsible Sections
Thanks for your question; I'm cross posting my response from my user talk page.
We just enabled "collapsible tables", which should give you the functionality that you are seeking. Below is code for a simple table that might work for you. Note the header is always shown but the body is collapsed by default:
{|class="collapsible collapsed wikitable" |- ! Solution to Problem 1 |- | Answer would go here |}
This code generates the following table:
Solution to Problem 1 |
Answer would go here |
Please let me know if this works for you or if I can answer any other questions.
Thanks. That will do wonderfully.
Is there a help page or other that can show me some of the options that this class offers? A quick search on my part did not yield any results.
We just enabled this feature in response to your question today so we haven't had a chance to add any help documentation yet. However, the instructions on this wikipedia help page should be mostly accurate for the UBC Wiki as well. We'll be updating our help pages in the next day or so. Please let me know if there is anything specific I can try to answer.
No specific questions. This will handle everything i need to do, and more. Thanks for such a quick response!