Suggested edits

Suggested edits

Wow, great entry! Very informative, interesting, and honestly a little depressing. I don't know much about this topic, so as I was reading a few questions occurred to me.

1) Where did Neoliberalism originate, and what country has most adopted it's policies? I would assume the US to both questions, but I don't think you have explicitly stated it.

2) To what extent has Canada adopted neoliberalist policies? To what extent are neoliberalist policies distributed across the world? A world map displaying degrees of neoliberal influence would be a neat addition.

3) You mention Keynesian economic policy several times. When was Keynesian policy introduced, and in response to what? You said economists concluded that Keynesian policy was the cause of economic slowdown and collapse. What evidence did they base their conclusion on? Were they right?

These were just some questions that occurred to me as I read. You've done a fantastic job overall, keep up the good work!

VanessaCoady (talk)02:27, 22 November 2018

Hi Vanessa,

Thanks for reading my wiki and asking questions. For some of your questions, I actually wanted to address those in my post but stuck to the scope of my topic instead, partly also because of the word count limit, which I am actually quite a bit over already. I will probably add hyperlinks to some of the keywords that you’ve mentioned.

For more information that may address your questions about Neoliberalism, here is the link from Wikipedia:

For more information about Keynesianism, here is the link from Wikipedia:

Here is also a great link on how Canada has transformed under the influence of neoliberalism:

Hope the links help!


JayveeOng (talk)08:33, 27 November 2018

Ah, yes, that's a good point. Thanks very much for sharing the links, and reminding me of the word count limit.

VanessaCoady (talk)06:13, 30 November 2018