Challenge: wolframalpha plugin to display stats

Challenge: wolframalpha plugin to display stats

Hey, here is another challenge. I would like to give the content of a wiki page as an input to wolframalpha and have it display the graph wolframalpha produces displayed on the wiki page. Is the corresponding plugin capable of that?

Application: Let wolframalpha plot our statistics. If a better format to put the numbers in makes this task easier we can adapt to that. Here a sample link on what I think could be called as wolframalpha function{{-3%2C9}%2C{-2%2C4}%2C{-1%2C1}%2C{0%2C0}%2C{1%2C1}%2C{2%2C4}%2C{3%2C9}}

Bernhard Konrad (talk)06:11, 28 November 2012

A very useful application,, has API we can use to implement graphs easily using LaTeX. Unlike WolframAlpha, it's open source so we can use it basically how we like.

However, this involves iframes, which can be implemented with the iframe widget:

Alfred Xing (talk)22:48, 29 November 2012

Good find, looks interesting. I was just pointing to wolframalpha because I know it can be embedded into this wiki (see and Either way, is there a toy example on how we could get to display anything in the wiki?

Bernhard Konrad (talk)03:18, 30 November 2012

Not until we get the admin to install the iframe module. One thing that's not good about is that it can't plot points...

I found a graphing widget, but if it's not good enough we can make our ourselves; it isn't too hard: {{#widget:WolframAlpha|id=45a99effbf17c0286917f132ab9d3595}}

Alfred Xing (talk)02:50, 1 December 2012

Aehm, does your graphing widget plot equations? Next steps: Embed it in the user statistics page, and make it read input from that page. Too bad can't do points :(

Bernhard Konrad (talk)00:08, 2 December 2012

Both can plot equations. Integrating the WolframAlpha one will be a bit hard though because the MediaWiki widget doesn't allow other input parameters.

Alfred Xing (talk)04:06, 4 December 2012

Before we reinvent the wheel, what about asking the wiki team what statistics they could offer us. They might have a lot already ready to go.

David Kohler (talk)15:56, 4 December 2012