Combining pages suggestion?

I see what you're getting at here, but I'm not sure if it would be the best idea to combine the two pages together. I think we should move the information around on both pages, with the Question Development page focusing on the process of actually creating the questions and the Survey page listing the details of what the final survey looked like.

Does anyone else have any thoughts on this?

SelenaZhao (talk)04:30, 4 August 2013

Okay so what I did was take the third paragraph to add to this survery page, since there was overlapping information I combined it the best I could. I believe question development and survey pages have been edited and are done. i am posting in discussion forum asking Jaimie if he changed our questionnaire a bit to be neither 10 point scale or 20-point scale. Right now I mentioned both in our report.

NicolaVanderliek (talk)16:21, 4 August 2013

Hi all, nice work using the discussion on here. I agree with SelenaZhao on the differentiation between the two pages.

JaimieVeale (talk)05:44, 6 August 2013