Course talk:PSYC305/2013ST2/ClassProject/3.3.2 Method - Procedure - Survey

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In this section, briefly describe the procedure we used to administer the survey.


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Combining pages suggestion?305:44, 6 August 2013
Some suggested changes301:20, 6 August 2013
Survey bits518:11, 2 August 2013
Possible Information To Add422:50, 1 August 2013

Combining pages suggestion?

Hi I mentioned just in my last page this page "survey" has a lot of overlapping with "question development" Suggestions: bolded below is already said in question development which I feel is more appropriate so we could take this out perhaps? Subjects completed their self-constructed questionnaire through an online Google document in their own time. The online questionnaire was finalized and administrated by Dr. Jaimie Veale and sent to subjects via email. It contained a cover page and 7 pages of 89 questions in total. On the cover page, subjects were asked about their demographic information, including gender, age, ethnicity, and religion. Subjects were also asked to report their scores on the Big Five personality traits (i.e., extraversion, neuroticism, agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness) following the demographic section.

the bolded below could be added into the third paragraph of page "question development" even though it may repeat too much of when I gave detail on the format of questions which I think is important to mention. The scores for the Big Five personality traits were taken from a questionnaire from pages 13 and 14 of the Course Reader provided for the class. For the first 3 collective questions, subjects were asked to rate their preference for 98 occupations, 66 activities and 32 hobbies by 7 possible responses scaling from "strongly dislike" to "strongly like." The remaining pages were composed of some general multiple choice questions relating to habits, behaviors, feelings, preferences, etc.

Please respond tonight if Dr. Veale or kevinrose agree and I will go ahead and make the changes when I get home from work

NicolaVanderliek (talk)00:22, 4 August 2013

I see what you're getting at here, but I'm not sure if it would be the best idea to combine the two pages together. I think we should move the information around on both pages, with the Question Development page focusing on the process of actually creating the questions and the Survey page listing the details of what the final survey looked like.

Does anyone else have any thoughts on this?

SelenaZhao (talk)04:30, 4 August 2013

Okay so what I did was take the third paragraph to add to this survery page, since there was overlapping information I combined it the best I could. I believe question development and survey pages have been edited and are done. i am posting in discussion forum asking Jaimie if he changed our questionnaire a bit to be neither 10 point scale or 20-point scale. Right now I mentioned both in our report.

NicolaVanderliek (talk)16:21, 4 August 2013

Hi all, nice work using the discussion on here. I agree with SelenaZhao on the differentiation between the two pages.

JaimieVeale (talk)05:44, 6 August 2013

Some suggested changes

Hi all, there looks like some good work done on this page. I suggest the first two paragraphs would be better off integrated into "question development" section and the third paragraph be better off in the limitations section.

JaimieVeale (talk)22:53, 1 August 2013

I cut and placed those paragraphs as per your suggestion; you're right I think they are more appropriate there.

KevinRose (talk)18:31, 2 August 2013

I kind of feel like this page is unnecessary? I think this whole page can be included in question development? do you guys agree about combining it to previous page?

NicolaVanderliek (talk)00:16, 4 August 2013


I also think that this page is somewhat the repetition of the 'question development', and instead of combining it all together we should just move the first paragraph of this page to the 'question development' page, and omit the second paragraph,maybe? Because the first paragraph overlaps with the first paragraph of the 'question development' we could just combine those two and use specific details from this page like: the amount of time it would take to complete the survey, specific number of questions, occupations, the fact that people could complete the survey online through Google whenever they had time.

What do you guys think?

NarminSalmanova (talk)01:20, 6 August 2013

Survey bits

Hi, I wasn't clear on what exactly to do here; just thought I'd start with what the instructions were and what the research project was related to. I thought that we might add something about the unwieldy (in my opinion) length of the questionnaire; just wasn't sure if it was relevant here. Welcome any suggestions and edits! Slash and burn!

KevinRose (talk)07:39, 25 July 2013

I think you could certainly discuss the characteristics of the survey here, such as its length, and provide some specifics such as the number of items we ended up having and that some repeating items had to be deleted. You could later compare these numbers to how many items ended up on the final scale.

LaurenHuman (talk)00:38, 27 July 2013

I have added one more paragraph about some basic characteristics of the survey in the end, not sure where to put it in between. Feel free to edit and move it later. I am still working on it now. Hope to finish within an hour. ^ - ^

YinghuiGe (talk)06:07, 27 July 2013

Also note that it was online and people did it in their own time.

JaimieVeale (talk)16:56, 27 July 2013

I have added there. Thank you~

YinghuiGe (talk)21:20, 29 July 2013

I removed citation references to Dr. Veale's handout as per suggestions and added a simple first sentence.

KevinRose (talk)18:06, 2 August 2013

Possible Information To Add

We discuss that we were to write what our scores were on The Big Five personality traits, but it isn't stated that our scores on those traits were calculated from a questionnaire in our course reader. Should we add that information, or would that be superfluous?

Also, I made some minor corrections to the spelling and grammar on the page, so if someone could check to see if I haven't missed any possible corrections that would be great. Thanks!

SelenaZhao (talk)21:50, 28 July 2013

Yes - I would suggest adding that. Good thinking!

JaimieVeale (talk)02:19, 29 July 2013

Yes good catch Selena re the Big 5 scores from course reader!

KevinRose (talk)02:41, 30 July 2013

I've added the information about the Big Five Inventory to the page. Do you think it's necessary to add more information about the inventory, and how it was taken or would that be unnecessary? I noticed that the "Measures" page talks about the BFI as well.

SelenaZhao (talk)04:40, 31 July 2013

Yes, I don't see any need to duplicate it here.

JaimieVeale (talk)22:50, 1 August 2013