Strereotypes and Holland's Occupational axes

Yes thanks Amy by all means let's put the results elsewhere and put our predictions here. I'll remove the results bit. Anyone want to take a stab at writing the predictions bit?

KevinRose (talk)15:15, 27 July 2013

I removed "Our findings do/do not support this theorem."

KevinRose (talk)15:18, 27 July 2013

We can certainly say much more about GD here to help describe the method/theory that is the foundation of our project; this was just a start. Please add more everyone!

KevinRose (talk)15:26, 27 July 2013

Hi All, for my own purposes I have tried to paraphrase Lippa's calculation/definition so I can understand it. It is from Lippa 1990 p. 105. Please check it for clarity, accuracy and relevance!

KevinRose (talk)16:12, 27 July 2013